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. 2021 Aug 23;32:102790. doi: 10.1016/j.nicl.2021.102790

Table 2.

The comparison of the T1w/T2w ratio in selected parcels in individuals with UD vs. HC.

Parcel t p p-FDR Selection Frequency Extended Description
Left 11 l −3.056 0.003 0.032 100.00 BA 11 (orbital and polar frontal)
Left 7PC 3.081 0.003 0.032 100.00 BA 7 (superior parietal cortex)
Left MST 2.892 0.005 0.032 100.00 Medial superior temporal area
Left p10p −2.536 0.013 0.038 100.00 BA 10 (frontopolar margin of orbital prefrontal cortex)
Right FOP2 −2.574 0.012 0.038 100.00 Frontal Opercular area 2 (posterior opercular cortex)
Right FFC −2.534 0.013 0.038 100.00 Fusiform face complex
Left STSdp −2.036 0.045 0.071 99.95 Auditory association cortex
Right TE2p 2.928 0.004 0.032 99.89 Lateral temporal complex
Left LBelt −2.713 0.008 0.038 99.35 Lateral belt complex (auditory)
Left a24pr −3.003 0.004 0.032 99.29 Ventral anterior cingulate cortex.
Right 7AL −2.512 0.014 0.038 99.18 BA 7 (superior parietal cortex)
Left d23ab −2.157 0.034 0.060 95.53 Ventral posterior cingulate cortex
Left 6a −2.291 0.025 0.054 95.25 BA 6 (premotor subdivisions)
Left 24dv −2.556 0.012 0.038 59.36 Ventral anterior cingulate cortex.
Right V3A 1.795 0.076 0.097 47.52 Visual area V3A
Left V4t −1.650 0.103 0.117 39.44 Visual area V4t
Right LBelt −2.122 0.037 0.061 33.99 Lateral belt complex (auditory)
Left p32 2.179 0.032 0.060 33.66 BA 32 (pregenual anterior cingulate)
Right PH 2.152 0.034 0.060 22.97 Posterior temporal visual region
Right POS2 1.921 0.058 0.082 19.97 Parieto-occipital sulcus area 2
Right FOP1 −1.816 0.073 0.096 19.31 Frontal Opercular area 1 (posterior opercular cortex)
Right RI 1.559 0.123 0.135 18.22 RetroInsular cortex
Left 47 m −1.735 0.086 0.102 15.77 BA 47 (orbital part of inferior frontal gyrus)
Left s32 −2.442 0.017 0.040 12.22 BA 32 (subgenual anterior cingulate)
Left MT 2.176 0.033 0.060 11.95 Middle temporal area
Left RI −2.520 0.014 0.038 11.78 RetroInsular cortex
Right OP1 −1.237 0.220 0.220 8.89 Parietal operculum (secondary somatosensory cortex)
Left PeEc −1.429 0.157 0.162 6.98 Perirhinal ectorhinal cortex
Left FOP4 −2.489 0.015 0.038 6.66 Frontal Opercular area 4 (posterior opercular cortex)
Right RSC −2.009 0.048 0.072 6.22 RetroSplenial complex
Right 52 1.493 0.139 0.148 6.06 BA 52 (parainsular)
Right 7Pm 1.913 0.059 0.082 5.18 BA 7 (superior medial parietal cortex)
Right 5 m −1.777 0.079 0.097 3.98 BA5 (paracentral lobule)

The association of UD with the T1w/T2w ratio in the n = 33 selected variables. Tests were run as linear regressions, testing the association of case/control status with the T1w/T2w ratio, controlling for age, sex, and IQ. Positive t-values indicate greater T1w/T2w ratio (and, consequently, greater cortical myelin level) in UD vs. HC. We report both uncorrected and FDR-corrected p-values.