Overexpression of galectin-8 increases targeting of Mtb and controls Mtb replication. (A) Quantification of LC3+ Mtb in RAW 264.7 cells overexpressing 3×FLAG (FL)-tagged galectins at 6 h postinfection. (B) Same as in panel A but for BMDMs stably expressing GFP-tagged galectin-8. (C) Fold replication of luxBCADE Mtb (MOI = 1) in FL-galectin overexpression RAW 264.7 cells at the indicated time points. Data are normalized to t = 0 h and representative of at least three independent experiments. (D) Same as in panel C but with the fold replication measured by enumerating CFU. (E) LDH release as measured by an LDH-Glo cytotoxicity assay in FL-galectin RAW 264.7 cells. Culture supernatants were collected and assayed at indicated times postinfection. Error bars indicate the SD; for IF, at least three coverslips per cell line and 100 bacteria per coverslip were assessed. *, P < 0.05; **, P < 0.01; ***, P < 0.005; n.s., not significant.