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. 2021 May 25;22(7):e51530. doi: 10.15252/embr.202051530

Figure EV4. The inheritance patterns of old versus new histone variant H3.3 in GSCs and CBs.

Figure EV4

  • A, B
    Telophase cells marked by H3S10p (gray) show overlapping old (green) and new (red) histone variant H3.3 patterns during the GSC (A) and CB (B) divisions. Asterisk: niche. Arrowhead (cyan): biased spec inheritance. Scale bars: 2 µm.
  • C
    Quantification of log2 ratios of total old and new H3.3 histone inherited by each future daughter cell of the GSC and CB divisions, where a value of 0 is equal inheritance at exactly a 1:1 ratio. Data gathered over 7 separate experiments for GSCs and 9 separate experiments for CBs. Values are mean ± 95% CI. See Dataset EV7 for individual data points.
  • D
    Summary of total old histone variant H3.3 inherited in GSCs and CBs: < 1.2‐fold is symmetric, 1.2‐fold to 1.4‐fold is moderately asymmetric, and > 1.4‐fold is highly asymmetric, using previously established criteria for the degree of histone or histone variant asymmetry (Ranjan et al, 2019). **: P < 0.01, based on pairwise ANOVA test with Bonferroni correction.