Methods |
Trial design: double‐blind RCT with 3 parallel arms
Type of record: trial register entry
Sample size: 45
Setting: outpatient
Country: Spain
Language: English
Number of centres: 1
Study purpose (treatment, prevention): treatment
Trial registration number: 2020‐001971‐33/ES
Date of registration: 22 July 2020
Participants |
Inclusion criteria
People aged > 50 years with comorbidities, diagnosed with SARS‐CoV‐2 infection by PCR or another diagnostic test performed in the emergency department, who are in the first week of clinic, without pneumonia and without admission criteria
People aged 18–70 years inclusive with pneumonia associated to SARS‐Co2 infection: cough or expectoration or fever > 38 °C with or without radiological infiltrate in Rxtórax; with SARS‐CoV‐2 PCR or radiological, clinical and analytical findings of COVID‐19
Evolution time of initial symptoms between 3 and 8 days
Basal oxygen saturation ≥ 93% by breathing ambient air
Have signed the informed consent
Exclusion criteria
People with pneumonia due to SARS‐CoV‐2 that requires hospital admission, due to multilobar involvement, respiratory failure PO2 < 93% ambient air or < 92% for people with COPD; with analytical criteria of severity (D‐dimer > 600, CRP > 50, lymphopenia < 900, ferritin > 700 mg/dL, interleukin‐6 or organ failure of the organ or who have significant comorbidities: renal insufficiency > 3B; immunosuppression, cancer; chronic cirrhosis or liver disease, diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis of any territory, heart rhythm disturbances (including prolonged QT), poorly controlled hypertension)
People with QT range > 500 mseconds
People aged < 18 years
Child‐Pugh C liver failure
Impossibility of giving treatment for non‐suppressible drugs with the risk of QT prolongation or interactions (antidepressants, antihistamines, quinolones, statins except pitavastatin) or allergy to the drug
Taking any of the drugs in the trial within 7 days prior to inclusion in the study
Pregnancy, lactation
Interventions |
Outcomes |
Notes |
Reason for awaiting classification: unclear control arms
Recruitment status: NR
Prospective completion date: NR
Date last update posted: NR
Sponsor/funding: Carmen Hidalgo