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. 2001 Jan 22;2001(1):CD001517. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD001517

Im 1999.

Methods Randomised open parallel group design.
 Method of randomisation not stated.
 Data analysed on a per protocol basis.
 Location: 1 site, South Korea.
 Duration: 16 weeks.
Participants Ropinirole: 37 patients with 5 drop‐outs (14%).
 Bromocriptine: 39 patients with 6 drop‐outs (15%). Details of terminations given.
 Age: Ropinirole 63.5 (SD 10.8); Bromocriptine 60.0 (SD 8.3).
 Hoehn and Yahr score at baseline: Ropinirole 2.5; Bromocriptine 2.4.
 Inclusion criteria: IPD >40 years old, Hoehn & Yahr stage 2‐4, on l‐dopa with motor complications or on a dopamine agonist (not bromocripitine) as an adjunct to l‐dopa.
 Exclusion criteria: Late stage advance patients, severe orthostatic hypotension, severe systemic disease, arthritis, dementia, neurosis, psychosis, history of alcoholism or drug dependancy, on > 5mg/day pergolide or lisuride, hypersensitivity or contraindications to ergot alkaloids including bromocriptine.
Interventions Therapy titrated over 8 weeks, then optimal therapeutic dose continued until end of study.
 Ropinirole: Initial dose 0.75 mg/d, minimum dose 4.5 mg/d, maximum dose 9mg/d.
 Bromocriptine: Initial dose 1.25mg/d, minimum dose 10mg/d, maximum dose 17.5mg/d.
 L‐dopa reduction allowed after optimal dose of study drug achieved.
Outcomes Primary: >20% reduction in l‐dopa.
 Secondary: reduction in l‐dopa.
 >20% increase in UPDRS motor score.
 >20% reduction in off hours.
 Improvement in CGI
 Adverse events.
Notes 1 drop‐out in bromocriptine group due to lack of efficacy.
Risk of bias
Bias Authors' judgement Support for judgement
Allocation concealment (selection bias) Unclear risk B ‐ Unclear
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