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. 2021 Jul 17;2021(7):CD011525. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD011525.pub3

Gosling 2009 TZA.

Study characteristics
Methods Trial design: RCT
Trial dates: December 2004 to May 2008
Length of follow‐up: 24 months of age
Participants Number of participants: 2419 infants
Inclusion criteria: all infants aged 8 to 16 weeks who attended clinics for WHO’s Extended Program on Immunization (EPI) at the ten study health facilities (five in each site) for DPT2 and polio vaccination were eligible for inclusion.
Exclusion criteria: infants who had any of the following conditions: history of allergy to study drugs; history of convulsions; clinical features of severe malnutrition or chronic illness, including infants with signs of HIV/AIDS; plans to leave the study area before 12 months of age; weight less than 4.5 kg at enrolment; and no witnessed, written consent from the caretaker.
Interventions Interventions: IPTi with one of the following.
  • SP: 250 mg sulfadoxine plus 12.5 mg pyrimethamine (Fansidar, F Hoffmann‐La Roche, Basel, Switzerland)

  • Chlorproguanil‐dapsone: 15 mg chlorproguanil plus 18.75 mg dapsone (Lapdap, GlaxoSmithKline, London, UK) for 3 days

  • Mefloquine: 125 mg mefloquine (Lariam, F Hoff mann‐La Roche, Basel, Switzerland) given with DPT and Polio 2 immunization at about 2 months of age; DPT and polio 3 at 3 months of age; and measles vaccines at 9 months of age

The 1st and 2nd doses of IPTi were either:
  • SP: 250 mg sulfadoxine plus 12.5 mg pyrimethamine

  • CD: 15 mg chlorproguanil plus 18.75 mg dapsone for 3 days

  • MQ: 125 mg mefloquine

The 3rd dose of IPTi at 9 months of age were either:
  • SP: 500 mg sulfadoxine plus 25 mg pyrimethamine

  • CD: 22.5 mg chlorproguanil plus 28.125 mg dapsone for 3 days

  • MQ: 250 mg mefloquine

Placebo: identical placebos given at the same time points with iPTi
All treatments at the health facility were observed and administered with routine immunizations. Field workers visited participants on days 2 and 3 to ensure doses were taken.
Outcomes Outcomes included in review
  • Clinical malaria

  • All‐cause mortality

  • Hospital admissions

  • Anaemia

  • Adverse events

Outcomes not included in the review: none
Notes Location: Korogwe and Same Districts, Tanzania
Malaria transmission: moderate transmission site (Korogwe District, Tanga region) and a neighbouring low‐transmission site (Same District, Kilimanjaro region). High SP resistance reported. EIR in neighbouring district (Muheza) was 148 infective bites per year (2000).
Funding: IPTi Consortium and Gates Malaria Partnership (both supported by Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation)
Additional notes: enrolment was prematurely suspended in the low‐transmission site after interim analysis (low malaria incidence resulting in lower power) thus only data from moderate‐transmission site is reported.
Witnessed bed net coverage: 87% at enrolment
Reported insecticide‐treated net (ITN) coverage: 53% at enrolment
Risk of bias
Bias Authors' judgement Support for judgement
Random sequence generation (selection bias) Low risk The trial used computer‐generated numbers for sequence generation
Allocation concealment (selection bias) Low risk The trial administered drugs to participants in a secluded cubicle
Blinding of participants and personnel (performance bias)
All outcomes Low risk "Both research team and child were masked to treatment allocation."
Blinding of outcome assessment (detection bias)
All outcomes Low risk "Both research team and child were masked to treatment allocation."
Incomplete outcome data (attrition bias)
All outcomes High risk Percentage loss 15.3% (per protocol)
Selective reporting (reporting bias) Low risk The trial authors reported relevant outcomes
Other bias Low risk The trial appears to be free of other sources of bias