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. 2001 Jan 22;2001(1):CD001518. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD001518

Miguel 1993.

Methods Randomised double‐blind parallel group design.
 Randomised according to a computer generated randomisation list. Patients received progressive randomistion numbers according to their temporal entry into the study.
 Method of data analysis unclear.
 Location: 5 sites, Spain.
 Duration: 6‐10 week titration period followed by a 4 week stable dose period (on 3‐4mg/day) if the patient had a >30% reduction in off hours.
Participants Cabergoline: 23 patients with 5 drop‐outs (22%)
 Placebo: 20 patients with 6 drop‐outs (30%)
 Details of terminations given.
 Mean age of patients, cabergoline 60 (SD8.9), placebo 62 (SD10.2).
 Inclusion criteria: IPD with motor fluctuations on l‐dopa, l‐dopa stable for 4 weeks, no other dopamine agonist for 4 weeks.
 Exclusion criteria: Other CNS or degenerative disorders, severe depression or dementia, cardiopathies, history of psychiatric disturbances on other dopamine agonists, renal or hepatic impairment, child‐bearing potetial.
Interventions Cabergoline initial dose 0.75mg/d. For 6 Cabergoline & 9 placebo; titrated over 6 weeks to a maximum of 2mg/d. For 12 cabergoline & 5 placebo; titrated over 10 weeks to maximum of 3mg/d.
 L‐dopa reduction allowed but only occured in 3 cabergoline and 1 placebo patient
Outcomes Primary: >30% reduction in off hours
 Secondary: UPDRS, all subsections
 Schwab & England
 Hoehn & Yahr
 Adverse events
Notes Only data to end of titration phase used as after that the population was selected for those who responded to the Cabergoline.
 Allowed withdrawals due to lack of efficacy after titration phase.
Risk of bias
Bias Authors' judgement Support for judgement
Allocation concealment (selection bias) Low risk A ‐ Adequate