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. 2016 Jun 28;2016(6):CD009034. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD009034.pub2

Oh 2012.

Methods Randomised, open‐label, double‐arm trial
Dates study was conducted: from December 2009 to December 2010
Funding sources and potential conflicts of interest: no information reported
Definition of compliance: intake > 90%
Participants Number and type of participants: 246 H.pylori‐positive participants were enrolled in the study
Participants were randomised to 2 different treatment groups: 7‐day standard triple regimen and 10‐day sequential regimen
Number of participants randomised: 246 (ITT sample)
Number of participants in the 7‐day STT arm, ITT analysis: 130
Number of participants in the 10‐day SEQ arm, ITT analysis: 116
Number of participants in the 7‐day STT arm, PP analysis: 127
Number of participants in the 10‐day SEQ arm, PP analysis: 111
Country: Korea
Average age (SD) of the population in years reported by treatment group:
  • 7‐day STT: 56.78 (11.57)

  • 10‐day SEQ: 58.26 (11.68)

Sex proportions (M/F) by treatment group:
  • 7‐day STT: 53/77

  • 10‐day SEQ: 54/62

Medical condition at baseline reported as number of participants (%) in the 7‐day STT regimen/10‐day SEQ regimen:
  • Duodenal ulcer: 18 (13.8)/14 (12.0)

  • Gastric ulcer: 13 (10.0)/9 (7.7)

  • Helicobacter pylori‐associated gastritis: 99 (76.1)/93 (80.1)

H. pylori diagnostic methods in both treatment arms: both tests had to be positive for the participant to be classified as H. pylori‐positive
  • RUT: CLO test

  • Histology: endoscopy with biopsies ‐ 2 samples from the antrum ant 2 samples from the corpus

A gastric biopsy from the corpus was also taken
Interventions Participants randomised to the SEQ group were administered metronidazole
Name, dose timing of antibiotics in 7‐day STT:
rabeprazole 20 mg twice a day + clarithromycin 500 mg twice a day + amoxicillin 1 g twice a day (during 7 days)
Length of STT (days): 7
Name, dose timing of antibiotics in 10‐day SEQ:
rabeprazole 20 mg twice a day + amoxicillin 1 g twice a day (during 5 days) and rabeprazole 20 mg twice a day + clarithromycin 500 mg twice a day + metronidazole 500 mg twice a day (during 5 days) (Total: 10 days)
Sensitivity test (yes/no) to antibiotics before/after treatment: not reported
Method of assessment of H. pylori status after treatment: ¹³C‐urea breath test
Time for assessment of H. pylori status after treatment: 4 weeks
Outcomes The study flow chart showed that after randomisation, in the 7‐day STT arm there were 3 dropouts, whereas in the 10‐day SEQ there were 2 dropouts
ITT eradication rate (%) by treatment group :
  • 7‐day STT: 82/130 (63.0)

  • 10‐day SEQ: 92/116 (79.3)

PP eradication rate (%) by treatment group:
  • 7‐day STT: 82/127 (64.5)

  • 10‐day SEQ: 91/111 (81.9)

Metronidazole resistance (%) before treatment, SEQ ITT/PP: not reported
Metronidazole resistance (%) before treatment, STT ITT/PP: not reported
Clarithromycin resistance (%) before treatment, SEQ ITT/PP: not reported
Clarithromycin resistance (%) before treatment, STT ITT/PP: not reported
Compliance in ITT sample SEQ/STT: 5 participants were excluded from the analysis as they took < 90% of the drugs
Incidence and type of AEs reported as the number of participants (%) in the SEQ/STT arms respectively:
Bitter taste: 6 (18.7)/6 (16.6), P = 1.000
Nausea 5 (15.6)/1 (3.2), P = 0.196
Epigastric soreness: 7 (21.8)/7 (19.3), P = 1.000
 Diarrhoea: 7 (21.8)/6 (16.6), P = 1.000
 Headache: 2 (6.2)/2 (6.4), P = 1.000
 Dyspepsia: 1 (3.1)/5 (16.1), P = 0.104
 Constipation: 1 (3.1)/1 (3.2), P = 1.000
 Bloating: 2 (6.2)/2 (6.4), P = 1.000
 Oral mucositis: 1 (3.1)/0
 Dizziness: 0/1 (3.2)
Total of AEs: 27.5 (32/116)/23.8 (31/130), P = 0.559
Incidence (%) of serious AEs SEQ/STT: not reported
Risk of bias
Bias Authors' judgement Support for judgement
Random sequence generation (selection bias) Low risk The trial was truly randomised as individuals were assigned into treatment groups by using a random‐number table
Allocation concealment (selection bias) Unclear risk Concealment allocation was not defined
Incomplete outcome data (attrition bias) 
 All outcomes Unclear risk Primary outcome data were clearly reported
Blinding of participants and personnel (performance bias) 
 All outcomes High risk The trial was not blinded as it was reported open‐label
Publication format Low risk Full article