Fig. 1.
Cumulative PFS curve of mDJA patients with high VEGF-A expression or low VEGF-A expression (a) in the Bevacizumab+ Platinum Group (b) and in the Platinum Group (c). The PFS was significantly longer in mDJA patients with high VEGF-A expression (median [95%CI] 9 months [4–10]) than in those with low VEGF-A expression (5 months [1–7], P = 0.018) (a). In the Bevacizumab+ Platinum Group, the PFS was significantly longer in mDJA patients with high VEGF-A expression (26 months [15-]) than in those with low VEGF-A expression (5 months [1–9], P = 0.001) (b). In the Platinum Group, the PFS was significantly longer in mDJA patients with high VEGF-A expression (6.5 months [4–10]) than in those with low VEGF-A expression (7 months [2–7], P = 0.636) (c). PFS: progression-free survival, mDJA: metastatic duodenal and jejunal adenocarcinoma, VEGF-A: vascular endothelial growth factor A