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. 2006 Jan 25;2006(1):CD004431. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD004431.pub2

Maguire 1996.

Methods A 2 parallel group unmasked RCT of unknown duration. 
 Randomisation generation = D 
 Allocation concealment = B 
 Withdrawals = D
Participants People with MS diagnosis recruited through local chapter of MS Society. 
 Inclusion: (a) "ambulatory", (b) adult 
 Number screened and number randomised not stated. 33 people analysed. Mean age 45 yrs, 25F, 8M, disease duration not stated, all "ambulatory"
Interventions Intervention: (Unknown number randomised, 15 analysed): Imagery. Group intervention, 6 one hour sessions, period not stated. Person conducting intervention and site not clear. Session 1‐ general progressive relaxation training. Sessions 2‐6 biologically oriented imagery treatment: Imagining repair of damaged myelin and a positive immune system response. Audiotapes of imagery and relaxation protocols provided for daily practice. Use of MS associated imagery drawings. 
 Control (number randomised not known, 18 analysed): Continued standard medical treatment
Outcomes Measured pre‐treatment and immediately post‐treatment (1 week after end of treatment). Primary outcomes: Psychiatric symptoms measured using the State‐Trait Anxiety Inventory (State and Trait subscales). Psychological functioning measured using the Profile of Mood States (tension, depression, anger, vigor, fatigue, confusion subscales). Secondary outcomes: None. Outcomes not included: MS Symptoms Checklist, and the Health Attribution test (beliefs about causes and cures of illness using the internal, powerful others, and chance subscales)
Notes Mini‐review 3.
Risk of bias
Bias Authors' judgement Support for judgement
Allocation concealment? Unclear risk B ‐ Unclear