Table 3.
State | Total (n) | Positives (n) | Prevalence % (95% CI) | Fecal flotation method |
New York | 990 | 357 | 36.06 (33.07–39.05)a | DC (S + ZS) |
Pennsylvania | 909 | 71 | 7.81 (6.07–9.56)f | SC (ZS) |
Ohio | 765 | 150 | 19.61 (16.79–22.42)c, d, e | DC (S) |
Kansas | 599 | 100 | 16.69 (13.71–19.68)c, d, e | DC (S or ZS) |
Texas | 464 | 94 | 20.26 (20.68–29.45)b, e | SC (S or ZS) |
Virginia | 366 | 79 | 21.58 (17.37–25.80)b, d | SC (S or ZS) |
California | 261 | 41 | 15.71 (11.29–20.12)c, d, e | DC (ZS) |
Georgia | 177 | 48 | 27.12 (20.57–33.67)b | DC (S or ZS) |
Alabama | 161 | 36 | 23.36 (15.92–28.80)b, c | DC (S or ZS or SN) |
Prevalence with the same letter indicates no statistically significant difference (p > 0.05)
DC double centrifugation, SC single centrifugation, S Sheather’s sucrose, ZS zinc sulfate, SN sodium nitrate, S + ZS combined results of zinc sulfate and Sheather’s sucrose flotation for all samples