Search terms and databases |
Unless otherwise stated, search terms are free text terms. Abbreviations: '$': stands for any character; '?': substitutes one or no character; adj: adjacent (i.e. number of words within range of search term); exp: exploded MeSH; MeSH: medical subject heading (MEDLINE medical index term); pt: publication type; sh: MeSH; tw: text word. |
The Cochrane Library |
#1 MeSH descriptor Obesity explode all trees #2 MeSH descriptor Weight gain explode all trees #3 MeSH descriptor Weight loss explode all trees #4 MeSH descriptor Body mass index explode all trees #5 MeSH descriptor Skinfold thickness explode all trees #6 MeSH descriptor Waist‐hip ratio explode all trees #7 MeSH descriptor Abdominal fat explode all trees #8 MeSH descriptor Overweight explode all trees #9 (overweight* in All Text or (over in All Text and weight* in All Text) ) #10 (fat in All Text and overload in All Text and syndrom* in All Text) #11 (overeat* in All Text or (over in All Text and eat* in All Text) ) #12 (overfeed* in All Text or (over in All Text and feed* in All Text) ) #13 (adipos* in All Text or obes* in All Text) #14 ( (weight in All Text near/3 cyc* in All Text) or (weight in All Text near/3 reduc* in All Text) or (weight in All Text near/3 los* in All Text) or (weight in All Text near/3 maint* in All Text) or (weight in All Text near/3 decreas* in All Text) or (weight in All Text near/3 watch* in All Text) or (weight in All Text near/3 control* in All Text) or (weight in All Text near/3 gain* in All Text) or (weight in All Text near/3 chang* in All Text) ) #15 ( (body in All Text and mass in All Text and ind* in All Text) or (waist‐hip in All Text and ratio* in All Text) ) #16 (skinfold in All Text and thickness* in All Text) #17 (abdominal in All Text and fat* in All Text) #18 (#1 or #2 or #3 or #4 or #5 or #6 or #7 or #8 or #9 or #10 or #11 or #12 or #13 or #14 or #15 or #16 or #17) #19 MeSH descriptor Camellia sinensis explode all trees #20 (catechins in All Text or (epigallocatechin in All Text and gallate in All Text) or. EGCG in All Text) #21 (green in All Text and tea* in All Text) #22 (#19 or #20 or #21) #23 (#18 and #22) |
1. exp obesity/ or exp obesity hypoventilation syndrome/ or exp obesity, abdominal/ or exp obesity, morbid/ or exp prader‐willi syndrome/ 2. exp Overweight/ 3. exp adipose tissue/ or exp adipose tissue, brown/ or exp adipose tissue, white/ or exp abdominal fat/ or exp intra‐abdominal fat/ or exp subcutaneous fat, abdominal/ or exp subcutaneous fat/ 4. exp weight gain/ or exp weight loss/ 5. exp body mass index/ or exp skinfold thickness/ or exp waist‐hip ratio/ 6. (overweight$ or over weight$).tw,ot. 7. fat overload syndrom$.tw,ot. 8. (overeat$ or over eat$).tw,ot. 9. (overfeed$ or over feed$).tw,ot. 10. (adipos$ or obes$).tw,ot. 11. (weight adj3 (cyc$ or reduc$ or los$ or maint$ or decreas$ or watch$ or control$ or gain$ or chang$)).tw,ot. 12. (body mass ind$ or waist‐hip ratio$).tw,ot. 13. skinfold thickness$.tw,ot. 14. abdominal fat$.tw,ot. 15. ((abdominal or subcutaneous or intra‐abdominal or visceral or retroperitoneal or retro peritoneal) adj3 fat*).tw,ot. 16. or/1‐15 17. Camellia or Camellia sinensis/ 18. 19. epigallocatechin 20. 21. green tea*.mp. 22. or/17‐21 23. 16 and 22 24. randomised controlled 25. controlled clinical 26. randomi?ed.ab. 27. placebo.ab. 28. drug therapy.fs. 29. randomly.ab. 30. trial.ab. 31. groups.ab. 32. or/24‐31 33. Meta‐ 34. exp Technology Assessment, Biomedical/ 35. exp Meta‐analysis/ 36. exp Meta‐analysis as topic/ 37.,ot. 38. (health technology adj6 assessment$).tw,ot. 39. (meta analy$ or metaanaly$ or meta?analy$).tw,ot. 40. ((review$ or search$) adj10 (literature$ or medical database$ or medline or pubmed or embase or cochrane or cinahl or psycinfo or psyclit or healthstar or biosis or current content$ or systemat$)).tw,ot. 41. or/33‐40 42. 32 or 41 43. (comment or editorial or historical‐article).pt. 44. 42 not 43 45. 23 and 44 46. (animals not (animals and humans)).sh. 47. 45 not 46 |
1. exp Obesity/ 2. exp weight change/ or exp weight control/ or exp weight gain/ or exp weight reduction/ 3. exp body mass/ or exp waist circumference/ or exp waist hip ratio/ 4. (obes$ or overweight or over weight).ab,ti. 5. (overeat or over eat or overfeed or over feed or fat overload syndrom$).ab,ti. 6. (weight adj6 (cyc$ or reduc$ or los$ or maint$ or decreas$ or watch$ or control or chang$ or gain)).ab,ti. 7. (body mass ind$ or waist hip ratio or waist circumferenc$).ab,ti. 8. adipos$.ab,ti. 9. exp skinfold thickness/ 10. (abdominal fat or skinfold thickness).ab,ti. 11. or/1‐10 12. green tea*.mp. 13. Camellia 14. catechine*.mp. 15. epigallocatechin 16.,ot. 17. or/12‐16 18. 11 and 17 19. exp Randomized Controlled Trial/ 20. exp Controlled Clinical Trial/ 21. exp Clinical Trial/ 22. exp Comparative Study/ 23. exp Drug comparison/ 24. exp Randomization/ 25. exp Crossover procedure/ 26. exp Double blind procedure/ 27. exp Single blind procedure/ 28. exp Placebo/ 29. exp Prospective Study/ 30. ((clinical or control$ or comparativ$ or placebo$ or prospectiv$ or randomi?ed) adj3 (trial$ or stud$)).ab,ti. 31. (random$ adj6 (allocat$ or assign$ or basis or order$)).ab,ti. 32. ((singl$ or doubl$ or trebl$ or tripl$) adj6 (blind$ or mask$)).ab,ti. 33. (cross over or crossover).ab,ti. 34. or/19‐33 35. exp meta analysis/ 36. (metaanaly$ or meta analy$ or meta?analy$).ab,ti,ot. 37. ((review$ or search$) adj10 (literature$ or medical database$ or medline or pubmed or embase or cochrane or cinahl or psycinfo or psyclit or healthstar or biosis or current content$ or systematic$)).ab,ti,ot. 38. exp Literature/ 39. exp Biomedical Technology Assessment/ 40.,ot. 41. (health technology adj6 assessment$).tw,ot. 42. or/35‐41 43. (comment or editorial or historical‐article).pt. 44. 34 or 42 45. 44 not 43 46. 18 and 45 47. limit 46 to human |
S1 (MH "Obesity+") S2 (MH "Weight Gain+") S3 (MH "Weight Loss+") S4 (MH "Body Weight Changes+") S5 (MH "Body Mass Index") S6 (MH "Skinfold Thickness") S7 (MH "Waist‐Hip Ratio") S8 (MH "Abdominal Fat") S9 TX overweight* or TX over n3 weight* S10 TX fat n3 overload n3 syndrom* S11 TX overeat* or TX over n3 eat* S12 TX overfeed* or TX over n3 feed* S13 TX adipos* or TX obes* S14 TX weight n3 cyc* or weight n3 reduc* or weight n3 los* or weight n3 maint* or weight n3 decreas* or weight n3 watch* or weight n3 control* or weight n3 gain* or weight n3 chang* S15 TX body n3 mass n3 ind* or TX waist‐hip n3 ratio* S16 TX skinfold n3 thickness* S17 TX abdominal n3 fat* S18 S1 OR S2 OR S3 OR S4 OR S5 OR S6 OR S7 OR S8 OR S9 OR S10 OR S11 OR S12 OR S13 OR S14 OR S15 OR S16 OR S17 S19 (MH "Green Tea") S20 TX catechin* or TX epigallocatechin n3 gallate or TX EGCG S21 TX green n3 tea* S22 s19 or s20 or s21 S23 s18 and s22 S24 (MH "Clinical Trials+") S25 (MH "Meta Analysis") S26 (MH "Comparative Studies") S27 (MH "Double‐Blind Studies") S28 (MH "Single‐Blind Studies") S29 (MH "Triple‐Blind Studies") S30 (MH "Prospective Studies") S31 TX clinical n3 trial* S32 TX random* S33 TX placebo* S34 TX meta analy* or TX meta*analy* S35 TX systematic n3 review S36 S24 or S25 or S26 or S27 or S28 or S29 or S30 or S31 or S32 or S33 or S34 or S35 S37 s23 and s36 S38 PT comment or PT editorial or PT historical S39 s37 not s38 S40 (MH "Animals+") S41 s39 not s40 |
1 exp Obesity/ 2 3 exp Adipose tissue/ 4 abdominal 5 weight 6 exp Weight loss/ 7 body 8 waist‐hip 9 skinfold 10 (weight adj3 (cyc* or reduc* or los* or maint* or decreas* or watch* or control* or gain* or chang*)).tw. 11 over 12 or/1‐11 13 exp camellia sinensis/ 14 15 epigallocatechin 16 17 green tea*.tw. 18 or/13‐17 19 12 and 18 20 (animals not (animals and humans)).sh. 21 19 not 20 |
Biological Abstracts |
# 1 Topic=(obesity) # 2 Topic=(overweight*) OR Topic=(over weight*) # 3 Topic=(adipos*) AND Topic=(tissue) # 4 Topic=(weight gain) OR Topic=(weight loss) # 5 Topic=(fat overload syndrom*) OR Topic=(body mass index) # 6 Topic=(overeat*) OR Topic=(over eat*) # 7 Topic=(overfeed*) OR Topic=(over feed*) # 8 Topic=(waist hip ratio) # 9 Topic=(abdominal fat) # 10 Topic=(skinfold thickness*) # 11 #10 OR #9 OR #8 OR #7 OR #6 OR #5 OR #4 OR #3 OR #2 OR #1 # 12 Topic=(green tea) # 13 Topic=(camellia sinensis) # 14 Topic=(catechin*) # 15 Topic=(epigallocatechin gallate) # 16 Topic=(EGCG) # 17 #16 OR #15 OR #14 OR #13 OR #12 # 18 Topic=(Clinical Trial) # 19 Topic=(Randomi*ed) AND Topic=(trial) # 20 Topic=(systematic) AND Topic=(review) # 21 Topic=(placebo) # 22 Topic=(Meta analysis) OR Topic=(Meta*analysis) # 23 Topic=(health technology assessment) # 24 Topic=(comparative stud*) # 25 Topic=(prospective stud*) # 26 #25 OR #24 OR #23 OR #22 OR #21 OR #20 OR #19 OR #18 # 27 #26 AND #17 AND #11 |
+(obes* overweight "over weight" "adipose tissue" "abdominal fat" "weight gain" "weight loss" "body mass index" "waist hip ratio" "waist to hip ratio" "skinfold thickness") +(Catechin* "camellia sinensis" "green tea" "epigallocatechin gallate" "EGCG") +("controlled clinical trial" "clinical trial" "randomised clinical trial" "randomised clinical trial" placebo "meta analysis") |
Obesity+ |
green tea catechin* camellia sinensis epigallocatechin |
1 obes*.mp. 2 3 body mass 4 weight 5 weight 6 adipos*.mp. 7 Skinfold 8 waist hip 9 waist 10 Abdominal 11 overweight*.mp. 12 over weight*.mp. 13 fat overload syndrom*.mp. 14 overeat*.mp. 15 over eat*.mp. 16 overfeed*.mp. 17 over feed*.mp. 18 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 or 6 or 7 or 8 or 9 or 10 or 11 or 12 or 13 or 14 or 15 or 16 or 17 19 green 20 21 (epigallocatechin and gallate).mp. 22 (Camellia and sinensis).mp. 23 catechin*.mp. 24 19 or 20 or 21 or 22 or 23 25 (Randomi*ed and controlled and trial).mp. 26 (controlled and clinical and trial).mp. 27 28 (double and blind).mp. 29 Meta 30 25 or 26 or 27 or 28 or 29 31 18 and 24 and 30 |
Web of Science |
# 1 Topic=(obes*) # 2 Topic=(bmi) # 3 Topic=(body mass index) # 4 Topic=(weight gain) # 5 Topic=(weight loss) # 6 Topic=(adipos*) # 7 Topic=(Skinfold thickness) # 8 Topic=(waist hip ratio) # 9 Topic=(waist circumference) # 10 Topic=(Abdominal fat) # 11 Topic=(overweight*) # 12 Topic=(over weight*) # 13 Topic=(fat overload syndrom*) # 14 Topic=(overeat*) # 15 Topic=(over eat*) # 16 Topic=(overfeed*) # 17 Topic=(over feed*) # 18 #17 OR #16 OR #15 OR #14 OR #13 OR #12 OR #11 OR #10 OR #9 OR #8 OR #7 OR #6 OR #5 OR #4 OR #3 OR #2 OR #1 # 19 Topic=(green tea) # 20 Topic=(egcg) # 21 Topic=(epigallocatechin gallate) # 22 Topic=(Camellia sinensis) # 23 Topic=(catechin*) # 24 #23 OR #22 OR #21 OR #20 OR #19 # 25 Topic=(Randomi*ed controlled trial) # 26 Topic=(controlled clinical trial) # 27 Topic=(placebo) # 28 Topic=(double and blind) # 29 Topic=(Meta analysis) # 30 Topic=(HTA) # 31 Topic=(health technology assessment) # 32 #31 OR #30 OR #29 OR #28 OR #27 OR #26 OR #25 # 33 #32 AND #24 AND #18 |