Horby RECOVERY 2021.
Study characteristics | ||
Methods | RCT Blinding: unblinded Date of study: from 14 April 2020‐to 24 January 2021 Location: multicentre (131 centres) / UK Follow‐up duration (days): 28 | |
Participants |
Population: patients with suspected or confirmed COVID‐19 (moderate‐critical) admitted to 131 centres in the UK Randomised: 4116 participants (n1= 2022 / n2 = 2094) Characteristics of participants
Inclusion criteria
Exclusion criteria
Dropouts and withdrawals : 0% dropout, withdrawal due to AEs: NR |
Interventions |
Intervention: tocilizumab (800 mg if weight > 90 kg; 600 mg if weight > 65 and ≤ 90 kg; 400 mg if weight > 40 and ≤ 65 kg; 8 mg/kg if weight ≤ 40 kg); a 2nd infusion could be administered 12 to 24 hours after the 1st)
Control: standard care Co‐interventions Steroid use at baseline or any time during the study Tocilizumab: 1664 (82%) Standard care: 1721 (82%) |
Outcomes |
Primary outcome of the trial 28‐day mortality Note: the definition of clinical improvement extracted is discharged alive from hospital within 28 days. |
Notes |
Funding: public/non profit (UK research and Innovation/National Institute for Health Research (NIHR); NIHR Oxford Biomedical Research Centre, Wellcome; Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation; Department for International Development; Health Data Research UK; Medical Research Council Population Health Research Unit; NIHR Clinical Trials Unit Support Funding; Abbvie (lopinavir‐ritonavir); Roche Products Ltd (tocilizumab); Regeneron (REGEN‐480 COV2))
Conflict of interest: yes, declared. The authors have no conflict of interest or financial relationships relevant to the submitted work to disclose
Protocol: yes. In English
Statistical plan: yes
Data‐sharing stated: yes, within 3 months of publication
Data accessibility: ndph.ox.ac.uk/data-access Overall comment: in addition to the pre‐print article, the study registry and protocol were used in data extraction and 'Rrisk of bias' assessment. This article is a preliminary report on the tocilizumab arm of the ongoing RECOVERY platform study after 28 days with the main analysis planned at 6 months post‐randomisation. As a result, the target sample size specified in the registry was not achieved. There is no change from the trial registration in the intervention and control treatments. |