Costa 2016.
Study characteristics | ||
Methods |
Study design‐ multicentre, double‐blind, randomised, parallel‐design in glabellar lines Study date‐ started 2012, ended 2014 Study setting‐ outpatients three centres |
Participants |
Randomised‐ 157 female participants with mean age of 43.9 years in BontA1 (Prosigne®) group and 43.7 years in OnabotulinumtoxinA group Inclusion criteria
Exclusion criteria
Severity of disease‐ moderate to severe glabellar lines at maximum contraction and mild to moderate glabellar lines at rest Ethnicity‐ no information |
Interventions |
Duration of study‐ 12 weeks Intervention
Outcomes |
Primary outcome
Secondary outcomes
Notes | Pharmaceutical support | |
Risk of bias | ||
Bias | Authors' judgement | Support for judgement |
Random sequence generation (selection bias) | Low risk | Quote: "Realizou‐se a aleatorização em blocos de quatro, utilizando‐se o Random Allocation Software 1.0 para alocar os pacientes nos grupos" page 35 Comment: we consider low risk of bias (translation of quote: the authors wrote they use a software to randomise the patients) |
Allocation concealment (selection bias) | Unclear risk | Quote: "Realizou‐se a aleatorização em blocos de quatro, utilizando‐se o Random Allocation Software 1.0 para alocar os pacientes nos grupos." page 35 Comment: we considered unclear risk of bias because the authors did not explain how the methods used for maintaining the allocation concealment |
Blinding of participants and personnel (performance bias) All outcomes | Unclear risk | Quote: "Um investigador reconstituiu os frascos da Toxina 1 e da Toxina 2, aspirou 20 unidades de cada produto com seringa BD com capacidade para 1ml, agulha curta, e entregou para o segundo investigador que injetou a toxina já diluída sem saber qual produto havia na seringa."... page 35 (translation‐ one of the investigator reconstituted toxin 1 and toxin 2, he used 20u for each toxin, seringe BD, 1mL, short needle, and delivered to the second blinded investigator that injected the diluted toxin )Comment: we considered unclear risk of bias due to the authors did not reported methods for blinding visual aspect of interventions |
Blinding of outcome assessment (detection bias) All outcomes | Unclear risk | Quote: "Três avaliadores independentes analisaram todas as fotografias realizadas durante o estudo e classificaram a gravidade das rugas glabelares".. page 35 (translation‐ Three independents investigators evaluated all the study pictures and they classified all of them) Comment: we consider unclear risk of bias due to the due to the authors did not reported methods for blinding visual aspect of interventions |
Incomplete outcome data (attrition bias) All outcomes | Low risk | Quote: "Houve seis perdas de seguimento na visita 2 (V2) (uma da Toxina 1, e cinco da Toxina 2), pela dificuldade de as pacientes seguirem as datas de retorno do protocolo. Da visita V2 (15 dias) até a V6 (120 dias), 16 sujeitos de pesquisa perderam o seguimento por faltar às visitas, mesmo após inúmeras tentativas de contato pelo centro do estudo (também por dificuldade de seguir o calendário do estudo). Completaram o estudo 119 pacientes (63 e 56 nos braços Toxina 1 e Toxina 2, respectivamente."... page 36 (translation‐ There was six drop outs in visit 2 (one in toxin 1 group and five in toxin 2 group), because the patients lost their follow‐up visit. From visit 2(15 days) to visit 6 (120 days), 16 patients did not show up, even though several previous contact. 119 subjects (63 and 56 in toxin1 and toxin 2 groups, respectively) completed the study Comment: we consider low risk of bias |
Selective reporting (reporting bias) | Low risk | All prespecified outcomes were reported Comment: we consider low risk of bias |
Other bias | High risk | High number of protocol violation (17 in BontA (Prosigne®) group and 4 in OnabotulinumtoxinA group). Comment: we consider this high risk of bias |