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. 2021 Aug 24;6(4):e00466-21. doi: 10.1128/mSystems.00466-21

FIG 2.


Fermentation kinetics and nitrogen consumption in WE and NA parental strains and the WE × NA hybrid. (A) The boxplots show the total yeast assimilable nitrogen (YAN) consumed by the NA, WE, and WE × NA strains after 14 h of fermentation in synthetic wine must containing excess or low nitrogen (SM300 and SM60, respectively). Consumption of each amino acid is shown as dots. Asterisks denote significance difference (Tukey post hoc) as follows: *. P < 0.05; **. P < 0.001; *** < 1e−5. (B) The bars indicate consumption fraction of each amino acid in SM300 and SM60 after 14 h of fermentation by the WE × NA (yellow), WE (green), and NA (purple) strains. Letters indicate significant differences between groups (ANOVA, Tukey post hoc test). Error bars show the standard deviations (SD). (C) The bars show the heterosis coefficient for the consumption of each amino acid in SM300 and SM60. Values > 1 indicate best parent heterosis; values < −1 indicate worst-parent heterosis. (D) Total production of CO2 at the end of fermentation process of each indicated strain and culture condition. Letters indicate significant differences among groups (ANOVA, Tukey post hoc test) and error bars denote SD. (E) Fermentation rates of the WE, NA, and WE × NA strains in SM300 and SM60 culture conditions.