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. 2021 Aug 31;22:297. doi: 10.1186/s12882-021-02469-w

Table 1.

Demographics, laboratory data, and outcome in patients with COVID-19, grouped by eGFR > 60 or ≤ 60 ml/min × 1.73 m2 with or without contrast-enhanced CT

(a) Patients without RRT at CT

1. eGFR≥30–60 contrast-enhaned CT

(n = 17)

2. eGFR> 60

contrast-enhaned CT

(n = 110)

3. eGFR≤60 unenhanced CT

(n = 11)

4. eGFR> 60 unenhanced CT

(n = 8)

 Men/women nr subjects) 14/3 77/33 7/4 6/2 0.65
 Age (years) 65 (61–76) 58 (49–64) 59 (51–68) 64 (50–70) 0.029
 Weight (kg) 75 (72–87) 80 (72–93) 74 (61–87) 79 (64–90) 0.53
 BMI (kg/m2) 25 (23–30) 28 (24–31) 25 (21–29) 25 (21–27) 0.19
Thromboembolic treatment
 24 h before CT exam (%)(n = no/yes), n = 144 76 (n = 4/n = 13) 76 (n = 26/ n = 84) 89 (n = 1/n = 8) 88 (n = 1/n = 7) 0.75

 Renal disease

n = 144

25 (4/12) 0 (0/109) 55 (6/5) 13 (1/7) < 0.001


n = 141

60 (9/6) 36 (38/68) 64 (7/4) 13 (1/7) 0.037

 Heart failure

n = 144

13 (2/14) 5 (5/104) 18 (2/9) 13 (1/7) 0.24

 Type 2 diabetes

n = 143

24 (4/12) 20 (22/86) 18 (2/9) 25 (2/6) 0.96
Laboratory data
 P-creatinine at CT, n = 146 130 (121–153) 61 (48–76) 163 (132–201) 65 (45–80) 1 vs 3 < 0.001/ 2 vs 3 p < 0.001/2 vs 4 0.85/3 vs 4 p < 0.001
 P-creatinine 24 h after CT exam, n = 127 130 (118–186) 61 (49–74) 136 (105–151) 63 (43–89) 1 vs 3 0.97/ 2 vs 4 0.97
 P-creatinine 48 h after CT exam, n = 128 130 (111–192) 62 (50–73) 123 (112–159) 69 (54–74) 1 vs 3 0.46/ 2 vs 4 ns 0.95
 P-creatinine 4–10 days after CT exam, n = 110 129 (77–197) (n = 14) 62 (48–75) (n = 78) 85 (70–124) (n = 9) 64 (53–79) (n = 9) 1 vs 3 0.09/ 2 vs 4 0.59
 P-creatinine rise > 26.5 μmol/L or > 50% 48 h after CT exam n = 128 24 (n = 3/n = 14) 5 (n = 5/n = 92) 20 (n = 2/n = 8) 0 (n = 5) 0.037
 P-creatinine rise > 50% at days 4–10 after CT exam and/or RRT initiated, n = 110 36 (n = 5/n = 9) 5 (n = 4/n = 75) 0 (n = 9) 0 (n = 8) < 0.001
 CRP at CT scan (mg/L), n = 126 186 (71–292) 71 (26–163) 186 (74–257) 96 (42–197) 0.005, 1 vs 2 p < 0.01, 1 vs 4 p < 0.05
 Total contrast dose (ml), n = 111 60 (50–100) (n = 15) 60 (60–70) (n = 96) n.a. n.a. 0.96
 Contrast dose (ml/kg), n = 98 0.80 (0.69–1.22) 0.76 (0.65–0.94) n.a. n.a. 0.58
Outcome data
 ICU support at CT exam n = 144 56 (n = 9/n = 7) 23 (n = 25/n = 84) 18 (n = 2/n = 9) 0 (n = 0/n = 8) < 0.01
 30-day mortality n = 146 53 (n = 9/n = 8) 11 (n = 12/n = 98) 18 (n = 2/n = 9) 13 (n = 1/n = 7) < 0.001
(b) Patients without RRT at CT and eGFR≥30–60 CE 1. P-creatinine rise > 50% at 4–10 days after CT exam and/or RRT initiated (n = 5) 2. P-creatinine rise < 50% at 4–10 days after CT exam (n = 9) p-value*
 Age 68 (65–76) 64 (54–70) 0.55
 Weight 72 (64–75) 76 (79–86) 0.21
Laboratory data
 Pre-Covid P-creatinine 97 (82–106) 97 (77–114) 0.95
 P-creatinine at CT 129 (124–130) 143 (118–155) 0.49
 P-creatinine at 24 h 143 (126–196) 123 (116–139) 0.31
 P-creatinine at 48 h 163 (138–196) 108 (103–126) 0.13
 P-creatinine at 4–10 days 207 (197–237) 88 (68–118) < 0.001
 CRP in mg/L 295 (274–331) 136 (59–221) 0.06
Outcome data
 30-day mortality 80 (4/1) 33 (3/6) 0.09 †
(c) Patients with existing RRT at contrast-enhanced CT vs. the entire unenhanced CT group

1. Contrast-enhaned CT and RRT

(n = 15)

3. Unenhanced CT

(n = 24, including 19 without and 5 with RRT)

 Men/women (nr of subjects) 13/2 18/6 0.37
 Age (years) 59 (55–64) 62 (48–67) 0.65
 Weight (kg) 85 (70–100) 76 (68–90) 0.16
 BMI (kg/m2) 28 (24–32) 25 (23–27) 0.08

 Thromboembolic treatment

24 h before CT exam (%)(n = no/yes), n = 37

87 (n = 2/n = 13) 86 (n = 3/n = 19) 0.98
 Renal disease 7 (1/14) 30 (7/17) 0.08
 Hypertension 36 (5/9) 43 (10/13) 0.64
 Heart failure 0 (0/15) 13 (3/20) 0.14
 Type 2 diabetes 13 (2/13) 26 (6/17) 0.35
Laboratory data
 P-creatinine, n = 39 161 (130–232) 129 (80–187) 0.68
 P-creatinine 24 h after CT exam, n = 34 151 (132–219) 108 (86–151) 0.47
 P-creatinine 48 h after CT exam, n = 33 127 (105–175) 117(74–159) 0.69
 P-creatinine 4–10 days after CT exam, n = 33 188 (67–358) (n = 14) 82 (62–131) (n = 21) 0.12
 P-creatinine rise 26.5 μmol/L or > 50% 48 h after CT exam, n = 33 29 (n = 4/n = 10) 11 (n = 2/17) 0.18 †
 P-creatinine rise > 50% at days 4–10 after CT (%), n = 33 36 (n = 5/n = 9) 5 (n = 1/20) 0.017
 CRP at CT scan (mg/L) 101 (54–190) 127 (74–204) 0.70
 Total contrast dose (ml), n = 14 110 (60–129) n.a.
 Contrast dose (ml/kg), n = 11 1.10 (0.69–1.43) n.a.
Outcome data
 ICU support at CT exam, n = 39 100 (n = 15/n = 0) 25 (n = 6/n = 18) < 0.001
 30-day mortality, n = 39 40 (n = 6/n = 9) 21 (n = 5/n = 19) 0.20 †

Values are presented as the median (interquartile range). Comorbidities, and outcome data are expressed as %, (affected subjects / total subjects in each group). Statistics are based on: *analysis of variance (ANOVA) with post-hoc Fisher’s test, or t-test, or Pearson χ 2 test.

BMI body mass index, CRP C-reactive protein, CT computed tomography, eGFR estimated glomerular filtration rate (ml/min/1.73 m2), ICU intensive care unit, n number of subjects, n.a. not applicable, non-CE CT without CE, P-creatinine plasma creatinine in μmol/L, RRT renal replacement therapy