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. 2021 Aug 31;16(8):e0256932. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0256932

Table 3. Comparison of depressive symptoms levels between frontline and non-frontline healthcare providers.

Groups N Desc meana (SD)b EMMc (95% CId) Mean diffe (95% CId) F statf (dfg) P valueh
Frontline 160 6.84 (2.98) 6.61 (6.04; 7.17) −0.75 (−1.45; −0.05) 4.44 (1) 0.036
Non-frontline 146 7.53 (2.95) 7.35 (6.83; 7.88)

a Descriptive mean

b Standard deviation

c Estimated marginal mean = mean after adjusting covariates

d Confidence interval

e Mean difference

f F statistic

g Degree of freedom

h Analysis of covariance. Adjusted for gender, duration of employment and social support.