Fig 2. EGFRAP knockdown increases RasV12-dependent cell shape changes and growth in Drosophila wing imaginal discs.
(A-C) Maximal projection of confocal images of wing imaginal discs from third-instar larvae expressing myristoylated-Tomato (MyrT, red) and the indicated UAS transgenes under the control of ap-Gal4, stained with anti-Tomato (red) and the nuclear marker Hoechst (DNA, blue). (A’-C’) Confocal xz sections along the white dotted lines of wing discs shown in A-C. The apical side of wing discs is at the top. Brackets indicate cell height. (D-F) Apical and (G-I) basal surface views of the indicated genotypes. (J-L) Box plots of the cell height (J), apical cell area (K) and basal cell area (L) of the indicated genotypes. The statistical significance of differences was assessed with a t-test, ****P value<0.0001. Scale bars, 50 μm (A-C), 30 μm (A’-C’) and 10 μm (D-I).