Figure 4.
S100A1 regulates the tumorigenicity of PTC cells in vivo and the underlying molecular mechanism. (A): Constructed S100A1 was stably silenced in K1 cells via lentivirus (***P<0.001). (B): Mouse xenograft models and tumor tissues were measured 24 days after subcutaneous injection with K1-shNC cells or K1-sh1 cells. Tumor volumes were examined every three days for 28 days (*P<0.05). (C): IHC staining of S100A1 protein was shown in nude mice transplanted tumors. (D): Western blot assays of the nuclear and cytoplasmic YAP/P-YAP protein were shown. PTC: papillary thyroid carcinoma; IHC: immunohistochemistry; YAP: yes associated protein; P-YAP: phosphorylated YAP.