Fig. 2. Static crystallization growth curve of unrefined native CB, refined CB, and refined CB with added minor lipidic components crystallized at 23 °C (symbols) and corresponding fits to the Avrami model (solid lines).
The inset table indicates the half-times of crystallization derived form model fits. Refining CB accelerates its crystallization (a), as does 0.1% (w/w) phospholipid addition (b). Addition of 0.5% (w/w) saturated monoacylglycerols, glycerol monostearate, and glycerol monopalmitate, do not significantly affect crystallization kinetics, while addition of the unsaturated glycerol monooletate does (c). Free fatty-acid addition to refined CB at 0.5% (w/w) levels accelerates crystallization for stearic, palmitic, and oleic acids equally (d). Values represent means and standard errors of three replicates and values with the same superscript letter are not significantly different (P > 0.05).