Fig. 1. Metagenomics-based stool composition is associated with TNM staging in early breast cancer (BC) patients.
A and D. Beta-diversity ordination plot based on principal coordinate analysis of normalized and standardized data of fecal microbiota composition before (A; pre-CT, A, n = 56) and after (D; post-CT, D, n = 34) adjuvant chemotherapy in patients with stage I (orange) and stage II-III (blue). The p-value is indicated at the top of the Y axis. B and E. Variable importance plot (VIP) scores were obtained within partial least square discriminant analysis by segregating stage I (orange) from stage II-III (blue), describing the most discriminant species in descending order of importance before (B; pre-CT-A, n = 56) and after E; post-CT, D, n = 34) adjuvant chemotherapy (only bacteria with prevalence >2.5% were taking into account). C and F. Differential abundances in terms of metabolic pathways between study groups (stage I vs stage II-III, pre- CT (C) vs post-CT (F)) by computing the effect size from linear discriminant analysis (LDA).