Fig. 5. Gut humanized avatar AT3 tumor bearing mice mirrored patient prognosis.
A Experimental setting of avatar mice. Fecal microbial transplantation (FMT) of feces from Healthy Volunteers (HV) or early breast cancer patients (BC) into AT3 tumor bearing C57BL/6 mice. Arrows details treatments. Each experiment contained 6 mice/groups for each FMT and each donor et was performed at least two times. B Details on clinical and pathological characteristics of human donors for FMT (five early BC and seven HV). C Beta-diversity ordination plot based on principal coordinate analysis of normalized and standardized data of donors’ fecal microbiota composition in BC (orange) and HV (blue) to analyze the most discriminant species in between the two donor groups. D LEfSe (Linear discriminant analysis of effect size) differentiating BC and HV, describing the 14 most discriminant species in descending order of importance in 5 early BC pre-CT versus 7 HV stools used for FMT in AT3 tumor bearing mice. E AT3 tumor size in each group of FMT at 2 time points, 14 days (Top panel) and 30 days (low panel) after tumor inoculation. Means are depicted for 5–6 mice/group. The tumor size changes (%) were compared with special pathogen free conditions (No FMT) at the same timepoint. A deviation of +20% compared with special pathogen free conditions (No FMT) was defined as “fast versus slow” progressors. Each experiment has been performed once for each donor with 12 FMT performed in a blinded manner. F Heatmap of the non-supervised hierarchical clustering of microbiota composition of stool samples across all 12 donors of FMT. Colors (from green to dark red) shows the row scaled relative abundance of each taxon across all samples.