Relative effects of the intervention as estimated from the network meta‐analysis model for Physician's Global Assessment (PGA 0/1) and quality of life (QoL)
Outcomes were all measured at the induction phase (assessment from 8 to 24 weeks after randomisation). Drugs are reported in order of primary benefit ranking. Each cell contains the risk ratio (RR) and 95% confidence interval (PGA 0/1) or standardized mean difference (quality of life) of the intervention in the respective column versus the comparator in the respective row. RRs larger than 1 for the lower triangle and smaller than 1 (or SMDs smaller than zero) for the upper triangle favour the treatment on the left. Significant results are are highlighted in grey.
ACI: acitretin; ADA: adalimumab; APRE: apremilast; BIME: bimekizumab; BRODA: brodalumab; CERTO: certolizumab; CICLO: ciclosporin; ETA: etanercept; FUM: fumaric acid; IFX: infliximab; IXE: ixekizumab; GUSEL: guselkumab; MIRI: mirikizumab; MTX: methotrexate; PBO: placebo; RISAN: risankizumab; SECU: secukinumab; TILDRA: tildrakizumab; TOFA: tofacitinib; TYK2: Oral Tyrosine kinase 2 inhibitor; USK: ustekinumab