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. 2021 Jul 29;40(17):e108588. doi: 10.15252/embj.2021108588
Reagent/Resource Reference or Source Identifier or catalog number
Experimental models
Vero CCL‐81 ATCC CCL‐81
Vero ACE2/TMPRSS2 Papa et al (2021) Vero ACE2/TMPRSS2
HEK293T ACE2 Papa et al (2021) HEK293T ACE2
SARS‐CoV‐2/human/Liverpool/REMRQ0001/2020 Papa et al (2021) Kind gift from Lance Turtle (University of Liverpool) and David Matthews and Andrew Davidson (University of Bristol)
MHV‐A59 Kind gift from Ian Goodfellow (Cambridge University)
MHV‐A59 polyclonal antiserum raised against disintegrated, purified MHV‐A59 virions (Rottier et al, 1981) Dr. Peter Rottier (Utrecht University). MHV‐A59 polyclonal antiserum
Monoclonal Anti‐Murine Coronavirus Nucleocapsid (N) Protein, Clone 1.16.1 BEI Resources, NIAID, NIH NR‐45106
Mouse anti‐GFP antibody Rockland 9F9.F9; 600‐301‐215
Rabbit anti‐N antibodies Millipore ABIN129544
Rabbit normal IgG Millipore 12‐370
Rabbit anti‐TRIM21 Abcam ab207728
Mouse TRIM21 Santa Cruz sc‐21367
Rabbit anti‐Vinculin Abcam ab217171
Rabbit anti‐COX IV LICOR 926‐42214
HRP‐coupled secondary anti‐mouse light chain specific Millipore AP200P
Anti‐rabbit light chain specific Millipore MAB201P
Anti‐SARS‐CoV‐2 S Invitrogen PA1‐41165
Anti‐IFN‐γ antibody 1‐D1K Mabtech cat#3420‐3
Anti‐biotin monoclonal antibody Vector Labs #SP‐3020
IgG‐A488 Molecular Probes A11055
Oligonucleotides and other sequence‐based reagents
For long lists of oligos or other sequences please refer to the relevant Table(s) or EV Table(s)
CDC‐N2 (IDT 2019‐nCoV RUO kit) CDC 143503
SARS‐CoV‐2_N_Positive control RNA IDT 10006625
Chemicals, Enzymes and other reagents (e.g. drugs, peptides, recombinant proteins, dyes etc.)
Methylene blue Sigma M4159
Toluidine blue Sigma M4159
Formaldehyde Sigma T3260
ATPlite 1‐step luminescence reagent Perkin Elmer 6016731
RIPA buffer Cell Signalling Technology CST‐9806
NuPAGE LDS Sample Buffer Thermo Fisher NP0007
NuPAGE 4–12% Bis‐Tris Gels Thermo Fisher NP0326BOX
Protease Inhibitor Cocktail Roche P8340
ECL Western Blotting Detection Reagent Amersham RPN2106
SARS‐CoV‐2 serology assay Bio‐Techne SA‐001
Separation module 12–240 kDa Bio‐Techne SM‐W004
RNAsecure Invitrogen AM7006
Luna® Universal Probe One‐Step NEB E3006
PepTivator SARS‐CoV‐2 protein N peptide pool Miltenyi Biotec 130‐126‐698
Lymphoprep StemCell 07801
ELISpot MAIP plates Millipore MAIPS4510
8‐well chambered coverslips Ibidi 41122111
Cas9 protein IDT #1081060
Alt‐R Cas9 Electroporation Enhancer IDT #1075915
Compass Bio‐Techne
Eclipse software Sony
GraphPad Prism 9 GraphPad
PMA‐Lite LED Photolysis blue light device Generon E90002
Jess capillary protein detection system ProteinSimple
Neon Transfection System Thermo Fisher MPK5000
IncuCyte S3 Sartorius IncuCyte S3
ABI StepOnePlus PCR System Life Technologies
ELISpot reader AID ispot, Autoimmun Diagnostika
Eclipse EC800 flow cytometer Sony
Lumascope LS720 widefield microscope Etaluma
PHERAstar FS plate reader BMG