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. 2021 Aug 31;4(8):e2122277. doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2021.22277

Table. Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria for Relevant Articles That Examined Dietary Patterns and All-Cause Mortalitya.

Category Inclusion criteria Exclusion criteria
Study design
  • Randomized clinical trials

  • Nonrandomized controlled trials, including quasi-experimental and controlled before-and-after studies

  • Prospective cohort studies

  • Retrospective cohort studies

  • Nested case-control studies

  • Uncontrolled trials

  • Case-control studies

  • Cross-sectional studies

  • Uncontrolled before-and-after studies

  • Narrative reviews

  • Systematic reviews

  • Meta-analyses

  • Studies that examined consumption of and/or adherence to a

  • Dietary pattern (ie, the quantities, proportions, variety, or combination of different foods, drinks, and nutrients, when available in diets, and the frequency with which they are habitually consumed), including, at a minimum, a description of the foods and beverages in the pattern

    • Dietary patterns may be measured or derived using a variety of approaches, such as adherence to a priori patterns (indices/scores), data-driven patterns (factor or cluster analysis), reduced rank regression, or other methods, including clinical trials

  • Diet based on macronutrient distribution outside of the AMDRb,c

    • including the macronutrient distribution of carbohydrate, fat, and protein of the diet, and

    • at least 1 macronutrient outside of the AMDR

  • Studies that

  • Did not provide a description of the dietary pattern, which at minimum, must include the foods and beverages in the pattern (ie, studies that examined labeled dietary patterns, but did not describe the foods and beverages consumed)

  • Examined consumption of and/or adherence to a diet based on macronutrient proportion in which all macronutrients were within the AMDR

  • Did not describe the entire macronutrient distribution of the diet (ie, studies that only examined a single macronutrient vs outcomes)

  • Dietary patterns described by foods and beverages consumed

    • Consumption of and/or adherence to a different dietary pattern

    • Different levels of consumption of and/or adherence to a dietary pattern

  • Diets described by macronutrient distribution

    • Different macronutrient distribution of carbohydrate, fat, and protein

Outcomes Studies that reported ACM (ie, total mortality): the total number of deaths from all causes during a specific period Studies that only reported cause-specific mortality (ie, total number of deaths from a specific disease, such as cardiovascular disease or cancer)
Date of publication January 2000 to October 2019 Articles published before January 2000 or after October 2019
Publication status Work that had been peer reviewed and published in peer-reviewed journals Work that had not been peer reviewed and had not been published in peer-reviewed journals, including unpublished data, manuscripts, preprints, reports, abstracts, and conference proceedings
Language of publication Published in English Published in languages other than English
Country of origind Conducted in countries ranked as high or higher human development Conducted in countries ranked as medium or lower human development
Study participants
  • Human participants

  • Male participants

  • Female participants

  • Nonhuman participants (ie, animals)

  • Women during pregnancy and lactation

Age of study participants
  • Age at intervention or exposure:

    • Children and adolescents (aged 2-18 y)

    • Adults (aged 19-64 y)

    • Older adults (aged 65 y or older)

  • Age at outcome:

    • Children and adolescents (aged 2-18 y)

    • Adults (aged 19-64 y)

    • Older adults (aged 65 y or older)

  • Age at intervention or exposure:

    • Infants and toddlers (birth to 24 mo)

  • Age at outcome:

    • Infants and toddlers (birth to 24 mo)

Health status of study participants
  • Studies that enrolled participants who were healthy and/or at risk for chronic disease, including those with obesity

  • Studies that enrolled some participants who were diagnosed with a disease

  • Studies that exclusively enrolled participants who were diagnosed with a disease or hospitalized with illness or injury. (For this criterion, studies that exclusively enrolled participants with obesity were included.)

Abbreviations: ACM, all-cause mortality; AMDR, acceptable macronutrient distribution range; NA, not applicable.


Adapted from the 2020 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee and Nutrition Evidence Systematic Review Team.14


Data from Trumbo et al.15


Macronutrient percentage of energy outside of the AMDR were as follows: (1) carbohydrate for all age groups: <45% or >65% of energy; (2) protein for children aged 1-3 y: <5% or >20% of energy, protein for children aged 4-18 y: <10% or >30% of energy, protein for adults aged ≥19 y: <10% or >35% of energy; and (3) fat for children aged 1-3 y: <30% or >40% of energy, fat for children aged 4-18 y: <25% or >35% of energy, fat for adults aged ≥19 y: <20% or >35% of energy.


The classification for countries was based on the Human Development Index (HDI) from the year the study intervention occurred or data were collected.16 If the study did not report the year in which the intervention occurred or data were collected, the HDI classification for the year of publication was applied. HDI values were available from 1980 and then from 1990 to present. If a study was conducted before 1990, the HDI classification from 1990 was applied. If a study was conducted in 2018 or 2019, the most current HDI classification was applied. When a country was not included in the HDI ranking, the current country classification from the World Bank17 was used instead.