Figure 2. Pao2 by Treatment Group for Patients Alive in the Intensive Care Unit Days 1 to 15.
Boxes represent medians and interquartile ranges, whiskers extend to the lowest and highest observations within 1.5 × interquartile range (IQR), and the circles represent outlier observations. Plotted values were based on a median of 5 (IQR, 3 to 7) arterial blood gas measurements per patient per day, which were time-weighted and averaged per patient-day before aggregation by study group. The median Pao2 difference between the study groups was −1.93 kPa (95% CI, −2.12 to −1.74; P < .001), with significant differences on each study day except day 12 (P = .07). Boxes are offset for readability. To convert Pao2 to mm Hg, divide by 0.133.