In vitro cell growth activity. A, A2780, A2780cisR, SKOV3, and SKOV3cisR cells were exposed to anti‐cluster of differentiation 70 (CD70) monoclonal antibody or anti‐human‐IgG1‐isotype control antibody for 144 h. Cytotoxicity assays showed no significant growth inhibition in these cell lines. The y axis shows relative growth compared with that in the no treatment group. B, The structure of CD70‐antibody‐drug conjugate (ADC) consists of an anti‐CD70 antibody conjugated to the monomethyl auristatin F (MMAF) payload. Reused data from Nakae et al23, Figure 2B Copyright (2020) with permission from Elsevier. C, Cells were exposed to CD70‐ADC and human‐IgG1‐control‐ADC. Compared with the control ADC, CD70‐ADC significantly inhibited the growth of CD70‐positive A2780cisR, SKOV3, and SKOV3cisR cells. Cytotoxicity assays showed no significant growth inhibition in the CD70‐negative A2780 cell line. The y axis shows relative growth compared with that in the no treatment group. Abbreviations: ADC, antibody‐drug conjugate, mAb; monoclonal antibody