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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2022 Oct 1.
Published in final edited form as: Mater Sci Eng R Rep. 2021 Jul 30;146:100641. doi: 10.1016/j.mser.2021.100641

Table 1.

Defining features of collagen types.

Collagen Type Subfamily Molecular Species Supramolecular Structure and Structural Features Distributions Function
I Fibril Forming • [α1(I)]2, α2(I)
• [α1(I)]3
300 nm molecule, 67 nm banded fibril [35] Ubiquitous, predominant in skin, tendons, ligaments, bones [35] Key structural component of tissues [35]
II Fibril Forming • [α1(II)]3 Cartilage Confers tensile strength and elasticity to cartilage [36], endochondral bone formation [37]
III Fibril Forming • [α1(III)]3 Stabilizing C-terminal cystine knot [38] Dermis, aorta [28], uterus, blood vessels, bowel, wound healing, blood clotting cascade [39] Tensile strength and integrity [39]
IV basement membrane and associated collagens • [α1(IV)]2, α2(IV)
• α3(IV), α4(IV), α5(IV)
• [α5(IV)]2, α6(IV)
COL domain with 21–26 interruptions [40] Basement membranes Cell adhesion, migration, differentiation, growth [41]
V Fibril Forming • [α1(V)]2, α2(V)
• [α1(V)]3
• [α1(V)]2, α4(V)
• α3(XI), α1(V), α3(XI)
Thrombospondin domain [6] Interstitial tissue [42], dermal-epidermal junction [43] Regulates collagen fibrillogenesis [44]
VI beaded filamentforming collagen • α1(VI),α2(VI),α3(VI) C-terminal propeptide endotrophin hormone [45,46]
Much lower frequency of GPO repeat [28]
Ubiquitous [28], basement membrane-interstitial matrix interface [46] Maintains the integrity of skeletal muscle [46]
VII basement membrane and associated collagens • [α1(VII)]3 Exceptionally long triplehelix domain, Kunitz domain [6] Epidermal–dermal Junction [6] Anchoring collagen, binds fibril forming collagens [47]
VIII hexagonal network collagens • [α1(VIII)]2, α2(VIII)
• α1(VIII), [α2(VIII)]2
• [α1(VIII)]3
• [α2(VIII)]3
C1q domain [6] Descemet’s membrane [48], vascular smooth muscle [49] Mechanical stability of vascular wall, bridge between ECM components [50]
IX FACIT • α1(IX), α2(IX), α3(IX) Thrombospondin domain, three COL and three NC domains [6] Articular cartilage [51] Stabilizes fibrillar collagen network in the cartilage matrix, anchors matrilin 3 and proteoglycans [52]
X hexagonal network collagens • [α1(X)]3 C1q domain [6] Hypertrophic cartilage [53] Regulates endochondral ossification of articular cartilage [54,55]
XI Fibril Forming • α1(XI), α2(XI), α3(XI)
• α1(XI), α1(V), α3(XI)
Thrombospondin domain [56] Minor component of hyaline cartilage collagen fibrils [57], broadly distributed in testis, trachea, tendons, trabecular bone, skeletal muscle, placenta, lung, and the neoepithelium of the brain [56] Nucleates and controls cartilage collagen fibril formation [57]
XII FACIT • [α1(XII)]3 Largest FACIT collagen, Triple armed NC3 domain [58], two variants [59] NC3 domain carries glycosaminoglycan chains [59] Mesenchymal tissue during development [60], periodontal ligament [61], dermis around hair follicles [62], cornea of the eye [63] in adults Temporarily stabilizes collagen fibrils during development [59,60,64]
XIII transmembrane collagens • [α1(XIII)]3 Connective tissue, blood vessel and junctions [65] Bone formation [66], regulates formation of neuromuscular synapse [67]
XIV FACIT • [α1(XIV)]3 Skin, tendon, cornea, articular cartilage [68] Fibrillogenesis regulation, Maintaining mechanical integrity [68], embryonic development [60]
XV basement membrane and associated collagens • [α1(V)]3 Bonded to chondroitin sulfate via disulfide-bonds [69]
 Flexible due to knot/figure-of-eight/pretzel configuration [70]
 Thrombospondin domain [6]
Cardiac and skeletal muscles, basement membrane zones [71] Maintains integrity of ECM [71]
XVI FACIT • [α1(VI)]3 Flexible due to kinks in structure, 10 COL and 11 NC domains [7274] Territorial cartilage matrix [74,75], integrated into fibrillin-1-rich microfibrils containing in skin [74] Hypothesized to stabilize ECM by organizing and connecting fibrillar networks, cell adhesion and invasion [72,76]
XVII transmembrane collagens • [α1(XVII)]3 15 COL and 16 NC domains [6] Basement membrane zone, specifically hemidesmosomes [77,78], central nervous system neurons [79] Epidermal cell adhesion [80]
 Proliferation of epidermis [81]
XVIII basement membrane and associated collagens • [α1(XVIII)]3 Thrombospondin domain, 10 triple helical COL domains 11 NC domains [6] Basement membrane zones [82] Eye development [83], maintaining basement membrane integrity [84]
XIX FACIT • [α1(XIX)]3 Thrombospondin domain [6] Vascular, neuronal, mesenchymal, epithelial basement membrane zones [85], hippocampal neurons [86] Affects the phenotype for smooth muscle motor dysfunction and hypertension sphincter [87]
XX FACIT • [α1(XX)]3 von Willebrand factor A, fibronectin type III repeat, thrombospondin domain [6,88] Possibly bile ducts, breast, cerebellum, smooth muscle cells [89]
XXI FACIT • [α1(XXI)]3 two collagenous domains interrupted by three noncollagenous domains [6,90] heart, stomach, kidney, skeletal muscle, placenta [90] May play a role in blood vessel assembly [91]
XXII FACIT • [α1(XXII)]3 Does not directly polymerize with fibrillar collagens, but rather associates with components of microfibrils such as fibrillins [92] Tissue junctions: myotendinous junctions, articular cartilage-synovial fluid junction, border between the anagen hair follicle and the dermis in the skin [92] Possibly mechanical stability of myotendinous junctions [92]
XXIII transmembrane collagens • [α1(XXIII)]3 N-terminal cytoplasmic domain, a transmembrane domain, and extracellular triple helical domains [93] Lung, cornea, skin, tendon, amnion [94] Cancer, cell-cell and cell-matrix adhesion mediation [95]
 Expression elevated in prostate cancer recurrence and distant metastases [96]
XXIV FACIT • [α1(XXIV)]3 Thrombospondin-Nterminal like motif and charged segments with tyrosine residues on amino-terminal domain [97] Bone and cornea [97] Marker of osteoblast differentiation and bone formation [98]
XXV transmembrane collagens • [α1(XXV)]3 COL domain interrupted four times (two four-residue imperfections and two large NC sequences) [99] Neurons predominantly of brain, also of heart, testis, eye [100102] Also known as collagen-like amyloidogenic component, isolated from Alzheimerdiseases brains, component of amyloid plaques [99]
XXVI Not assigned • [α1(XXVI)]3 Two collagenous regions and no obvious sequence homology [103] Testes, ovary [103] Testis and ovary development [103]
XXVII Fibril Forming • [α1(XXVII)]3 Nonstriated fibrils, 10 to 80 nm fibril width [104,105] Adult cartilage [106] Cartilage calcification, possibly cartilage transition to bone [107]
XXVIII Not assigned • [α1(XXVIII)]3 528 amino-acid collagenous domain flanked by two von Willebrand factor A [6,108]
 Structurally resembles collagen VI
Basement membranes of peripheral nervous system [109,110]