Figure 13. ATF6 promotes clearance of resident intestinal microbiota during DSS-induced injury.
Mice given scrambled or ATF6 siRNA (i.p.) were administered 2.5% DSS in drinking water (DW) (n = 4–10). (A) Body weights. (B) Representative H&E of colon sections and histology scores; original magnification, 100×. (C) Colon mRNA expression. (D) Colon myeloperoxidase. (E) Fecal lipocalin. (F) Colon cytokines. (G) Bacteria in MLN and spleen. (A–G) DSS for 6 days and then water for an additional 2 days; independent experiment for A–E and G with DSS for 8 days. Mean + SEM. NS, not significant. *P < 0.05; **P < 0.01; ***P < 0.001; †P < 1 × 10–4; ††P < 1 × 10–5 determined by 2-tailed Student’s t test.