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. 2021 Sep 1;16(9):e0256461. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0256461

Table 1. Demographics and baseline ocular and disease characteristics.

Parameters Effectiveness Analysis (EA) population (N = 617)
Mean (SD) age, years 75.5 (8.7)
Gender, Female, n (%) 335 (54.29)
Race, Caucasian, n (%) 612 (99.19)
Time from diagnosis to treatment (days)
    n (%) 584 (94.65)
    Median 16
    Q1, Q3 7; 33
VA, ETDRS letters
    Mean (SD) 53.43 (22.8)
    Median (Q1; Q3) 60 (35–70)
MNV types (treated eye), n (%)
    Classic (type II) 167 (27.07)
    Mixed 52 (8.43)
    ND 109 (17.67)
    Occult (type I) 218 (35.33)
    PCV 27 (4.38)
    RAP 44 (7.13)
CSRT (μm)
    n (%) 396 (64.18)
    Mean (SD) 395.7 (143.1)
    Median (Q1;Q3) 369.5 (300.0;463.0)
OCT variables
    n (%) 481 (100)
    Presence of fluid (investigators’ judgment) 436 (90.64)
    Intra-retinal fluid 289 (60.08)
    Sub-retinal fluid 314 (65.28)
    RPE detachment 285 (59.25)
    Atrophy 56 (11.64)
    Fibrosis 73 (15.18)
Ocular disease history
    n(%) 247 (40.03)
    Cataract 38 (6.15)
    Cataract surgery 0 (0)
    Vitrectomy 0 (0)
    RPE tear 0 (0)
    Other 43 (6.96)

OE population: All enrolled patients who had at least one anti-VEGF injection; EA set: All patients in the OE who had a baseline and at least one post-baseline assessment of VA.

CSRT, central sub-field retinal thickness; EA, effectiveness analysis; ETDRS, early treatment diabetic retinopathy study; LP, loading phase; MNV, macular neovascularization; N, total number of patients; n, number of patients; ND, not determined; OE, overall exposed; PCV; polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy; RAP, retinal angiomatous proliferation; RPE, retinal pigment epithelium; SD, standard deviation; VA, visual acuity; VEGF, vascular endothelial growth factor.