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. 2021 Aug 3;6(4):e00913-20. doi: 10.1128/mSystems.00913-20


In silico-predicted gene lethality from the top-ranked discriminant genes in k-mer-based and SNP-based classifiers listed for each antibiotic

Antibiotic Essential genes (rich media)a Essential genes (glucose minimal medium only)a
Ampicillin folP*
Aztreonam asd, purL
Cefepime pyrF
Ciprofloxacin murJ*, lptG, hemG, ribC, accA*, cysG, aroC, waaA, hemA, metK*, lptF purA, pheA, hisD, hisG, purL*, hisF, dapE, panD, purM, hisI*, ilvD, iscS, thiD, hisA, hisB*, hisH*, proC, purD
Levofloxacin fabG*, fabD* hisF*, purL*, thiD*
Gentamicin glmM*, cysG cysH
Meropenem lptG*, mraY*, murG*, ispA cysJ, hisD*, pdxA, hisC*, asd, hisF*, metF, murC, iscS, hisA, hisB, hisH*, hisG
Tetracyline folP, murB
Tobramycin iscS
Trimethoprim folP*, ftsI

Symbol: *, genes associated with top 50 ranked features of the antibiotic AMR model. Boldface genes have not been found essential in experimental studies.