CVF metabolites, pH, and host defense peptides explored in relation with bacterial composition based on Principal Coordinates Analysis (PCoA) groups in early pregnancy (10–15+6 weeks). Wilcoxon comparison shown if P < 0.05. (A–I) lactate, acetate, Ca2+, betaine glucose, succinate, pH, elafin, and cathelicidin (high-risk women only). Number of samples (n) per PCoA group comparisons as follows: (A–F) PCoA A = 89, PCoA B = 31, PCoA C = 115, PCoA D = 64, and PCoA E = 6. (G) PCoA A = 55, PCoA B = 19, PCoA C = 62, PCoA D = 39, and PCoA E = 4. (H) PCoA A = 85, PCoA B = 29, PCoA C = 111, PCoA D = 61, and PCoA E = 6. (I) PCoA A = 41, PCoA B = 16, PCoA C = 76, PCoA D = 37, and PCoA E = 4. Y axis represents the normalized NMR peaks (arbitrary units, au) (A–F), pg/μL (H), and ng/mL (I). Horizontal line and boxes represent median and IQR.