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. 2021 Aug 23;10:e69896. doi: 10.7554/eLife.69896

Figure 2. T1 trichoid sensillum.

(A) 3D model and SBEM images of a representative T1 sensillum. ORN (pseudocolored in blue), vacuoles (aubergine), and sensillum cuticle (gray) are shown. Dashed lines indicate positions of the corresponding SBEM images on the right: (1) luminal space devoid of ORN dendrite; (2–3) outer dendrite; (4–6) outer dendrite and vacuole structures; (7) ciliary constriction (arrow head), which demarcates the inner and outer dendritic segments; (8) inner dendrite; and (9) ORN soma. Three types of auxiliary cells were observed beneath the antennal surface: thecogen (Th), trichogen (Tr), and tormogen (To). (B) A partial 3D model and SBEM images of another T1 sensillum. ORN (blue), vacuoles (aubergine), and tormogen cell (green) are shown. Inset: magnified and rotated view, highlighting the bulbous protrusion from the tormogen cell. Dashed lines indicate positions of the corresponding SBEM images below: (1) vacuole in close proximity to the tormogen protrusion; (2) tormogen cell and its protrusion; and (3) tormogen soma, trichogen, and thecogen processes, and ORN dendrite. Scale bars: 2 μm for 3D models and 1 μm for SBEM images. The scale bar in the first image panel also pertains to other images unless indicated otherwise. ORN, olfactory receptor neuron; SBEM, serial block-face scanning electron microscopy.

Figure 2.

Figure 2—figure supplement 1. Diverse T1 dendritic morphologies.

Figure 2—figure supplement 1.

3D models and sample SBEM images of different T1 sensilla. The T1 neurons display diverse dendritic morphologies: outer dendrite with a flattened distal segment (A), with three branches (B), or with six branches (C). ORN (blue) and sensillum cuticle (gray) are shown. Dashed lines indicate positions of the corresponding SBEM images on the right. Scale bars: 2 μm for 3D models and 1 μm for SBEM images. ORN, olfactory receptor neuron; SBEM, serial block-face scanning electron microscopy.