Figure 3.
Estrous cyclicity in Pdyn-Cre/Kiss1fl/fl knockout (KO) mice. At 2 mo of age, vaginal cytology was collected and assessed for 15 consecutive days. A: representative wild-type (WT) female estrous cycles. B: representative Pdyn-Cre/Kiss1fl/fl KO female estrous cycles. C: percent of time mice spent in each estrous cycle stage. Pdyn-Cre/Kiss1fl/fl KO mice demonstrated persistent diestrus compared with regular cycles observed in WT mice. Pdyn-Cre/Kiss1fl/fl KO females spent significantly less time in estrus and proestrus and more time in diestrus/metestrus (unpaired Student’s t test, ****P < 0.0001, ***P < 0.001 Pdyn-Cre/Kiss1fl/fl KO vs. WT, WT n = 8, Pdyn-Cre/Kiss1fl/fl KO n = 7). D/M, diestrus/metestrus; E, estrus; P, proestrus.