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. 2021 Jul 16;42(14):4722–4739. doi: 10.1002/hbm.25580


Between‐group contrast of the difference between Scan 5 and Baseline, Double Trouble > Self‐Ordered Search

Region MNI coordinates Size (voxels) t‐value p‐value
x y z
L Optic radiation −40 −12 −23 14 37.50 .001
L Inferior occipitofrontal fasciculus −35 −9 −11 12 60.51 .001
L External capsule −34 1 −2 7 24.33 .001
L Inferior longitudinal fasciculus −33 −65 7 2 37.86 .001
L Inferior occipitofrontal fasciculus −33 45 −4 3 44.48 .001
L External capsule −31 −17 5 1 24.27 .001
L Optic radiation −30 −21 −5 2 8.90 .001
L External capsule −29 2 16 4 22.41 .001
L External capsule −28 15 −1 9 30.22 .001
L Corticospinal tract −27 −21 12 31 36.17 .001
L External capsule −27 18 1 6 25.32 .001
L Inferior occipitofrontal fasciculus −26 16 9 14 56.40 .001
L Visual area V3 −23 −92 −3 3 14.29 .001
L Anterior thalamic radiation −22 21 11 8 34.69 .001
L Optic radiation −22 −92 −1 3 18.59 .001
L Anterior thalamic radiation −20 17 7 58 27.41 .001
L Anterior thalamic radiation −18 19 0 13 24.84 .001
L Callosal body −18 32 22 9 18.98 .001
L Corticospinal tract −16 −4 8 5 51.55 .001
L Anterior thalamic radiation −16 −19 19 4 18.62 .001
L Corticospinal tract −16 −45 43 2 11.84 .001
L Anterior thalamic radiation −16 −25 16 2 16.29 .001
L Forceps minor −15 36 2 20 48.83 .001
L Forceps minor −15 44 −13 20 46.77 .001
L Cerebellum −15 −55 −28 12 31.99 .001
L Optic radiation −14 −76 2 4 17.70 .001
L Anterior thalamic radiation −11 −22 15 18 21.72 .001
L Anterior thalamic radiation −7 −6 10 16 23.02 .001
L Anterior thalamic radiation −7 −13 −1 4 16.00 .001
R Fornix 2 −5 10 4 27.51 .001
R Forceps minor 7 46 −19 1 12.31 .001
R Cingulum 9 14 30 9 38.27 .001
R Visual area V2 9 −79 26 4 17.12 .001
R Premotor area 17 17 52 1 14.48 .001
R Visual area V4 33 −70 −5 2 16.07 .001

Note: Region refers to area of the highest t‐value.

Abbreviations: L, left; R, right.