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. 2021 Aug 24;36(8):109588. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2021.109588

Rabbit anti-ARHGEF2 Invitrogen Cat#720323: RRID: AB_2633257
Rabbit anti-Cleaved caspase 3 Cell Signaling Cat#9664S; RRID: AB_2070042
Chicken anti-Doublecortin (DCX) Aves Lab Cat#DCX; RRID: AB_2313540
Guinea pig anti-DCX Millipore Cat#AB2253; RRID: AB_1586992
Rabbit anti-ETV5 Invitrogen Cat#PA5-30023; RRID: AB_2313540
Chicken anti-GFAP Encor Biotechnology Cat#CPCA-GFAP; RRID: AB_2109953
Mouse anti-GFAP Sigma-Aldrich Cat#G6171; RRID: AB_1840893
Rabbit anti-GFAP Dako Cat#Z0334; RRID: AB_10013382
Rabbit anti-INSC Proteintech Cat# 20973-1-AP; RRID: AB_10951111
Chicken anti-Ki67 Encor Cat#CPCA-Ki67; RRID: AB_2637049
Rabbit anti-MCM2 Abcam Cat#ab4461; RRID: AB_304470
Mouse anti-NeuN Merck Cat# MAB377; RRID: AB_2298772
Rabbit anti-RAB10 Cell Signaling Cat#8127T; RRID: AB_10828219
Rabbit anti-S100β NeoMarkers Cat#AB-044-AO; RRID: AB_60518
Rabbit anti-TBR2 Abcam Cat#ab23345; RRID: AB_778267
Rabbit anti-ZEB1 Sigma-Aldrich Cat#HPA027524; RRID: AB_1844977
Goat anti-chicken Alexa Fluor 488 Invitrogen Cat#A11039; RRID: AB_142924
Donkey anti-mouse Alexa Fluor 488 Invitrogen Cat#A21202; RRID: AB_141607
Goat anti-mouse Alexa Fluor 405 Invitrogen Cat#A31553; RRID: AB_221604
Donkey anti-rabbit Alexa Fluor 488 Invitrogen Cat#A21206; RRID: AB_2535792
Donkey anti-rabbit Alexa Fluor 647 Invitrogen Cat#A32795; RRID: AB_2762835
Donkey anti-rabbit Alexa Fluor 594 Invitrogen Cat# A32754; RRID: AB_2762827
Donkey anti-rabbit IgG Fab fragments Jackson ImmunoResearch Cat# 711-007-003; RRID:AB_2340587

Bacterial and virus strains

Lentiviral plasmid for ETV5 expression (pLX_TRC311 ETV5) Wang et al., 2017 Addgene plasmid # 74984; ; RRID:Addgene_74984

Chemical, peptides, and recombinant proteins

Optimal Cutting Temperature (OCT) Compound Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat#6502
Fish Skin Gelatin Sigma Aldrich Cat#G7765
Triton X-100 Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat#13454259
10XPBS Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat#70011044
Hoechst-33342 Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat#62249
Prolong Diamond Antifade Mountant Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat#P36961
DMEM/F12 with Glutamax Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat#11320033
recombinant human Insulin Sigma-Aldrich Cat#I5500
recombinant human Transferrin Sigma-Aldrich Cat#T8158
Putrescine Sigma-Aldrich Cat#P5780
Sodium Selenite Sigma-Aldrich Cat#S5261
Progesterone Sigma-Aldrich Cat#P8783
Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA) fraction V Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat#12737119
B27 supplement Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat#17504044
Penicillin-Streptomycin solution Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat#15140122
HBSS Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat#24020117
Papain Roche Cat#10108014001
Dispase II Roche Cat#165859
DNase I Roche Cat#10104159001
Hyaluronidase Sigma-Aldrich Cat#H3884
Trypsin Sigma-Aldrich Cat#T9201
Heparin Sigma-Aldrich Cat#H4784
recombinant human EGF Peprotech Cat#AF-100-15
recombinant human FGF-2 Peprotech Cat#AF-100-18C
Poly-D-lysine Sigma-Aldrich Cat#P6407
Laminin Sigma-Aldrich Cat#L2020
Accumax Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat#00-4666-56
Tamoxifen Sigma-Aldrich Cat#T5648
4-Hydroxy-Tamoxifen Sigma-Aldrich Cat#SML1666
Corn oil Sigma-Aldrich Cat#C8267
Formaldehyde Santa Cruz Biotechnology Cat#sc-203049

Critical commercial assays

EdU Click 488 kit Sigma-Aldrich Cat#BCK-EDU488
SimpleChIP kit Cell Signaling Technologies Cat#91820
MyTaq Extract-PCR kit Bioline Cat#BIO-21127
MyTaq HS Red Mix 2X Bioline Cat#BIO-25047

Experimental models: Organisms/strains

Mouse: GLAST::CreERT2 M. Götz, Munich N/A
Mouse: Rosa26lox-stop-lox-tdTomato (Ai9) O. Sansom, Glasgow N/A
Mouse: Zeb1flox/flox T. Brabletz, Erlangen N/A


See Table S3 for oligonucleotide information.

Deposited data

Single-cell RNA-Seq data from RGL cells and astrocytes Chai et al., 2017 GEO: GSE94010
Single-cell RNA-Seq data from dentate gyrus Hochgerner et al., 2018 GEO: GSE95315
Chip-Seq data of glioblastoma cells Rosmaninho et al., 2018 EMBL accession: E-MTAB-5541
Single-cell RNA-Seq data from cortex and hippocampus Zeisel et al., 2015 GEO: GSE60361

Software and algorithms

ZEN microscopy software Zeiss
ImageJ v2.52K ImageJ NIH
Neurolucida 360/Explorer MBF Bioscience N/A
GraphPad Prism v9.1 GraphPad Software, Inc.
The Tracing Tool (tTt) software v3.4.4 Hilsenbeck et al., 2016