Fig. 5.
Anxiety-like behavior in CX3CR1−/− and +/+ mice assessed in the elevated zero maze, EZM (panels A–C), light dark box, LDB (panels D–F) and open field test, OFT (panels G-I). In the EZM: CX3CR1−/− mice elicited significantly increased open quadrant time (A) and reduced latency to enter open quadrant (B), while motor activity was not significantly different (C). In the light dark box time spent in the light zone was not significantly different (D), however, CX3CR1−/− mice showed significantly reduced latency to enter the light zone (E), and significantly increased rearing in the light zone (F). In the open field no significant differences were observed in center time duration (G) or latency to enter center field (H). CX3CR1−/− mice showed a significant reduction in motor activity as compared with +/+ mice (I). Data represented are mean ± sem (n = 10–12 mice/group) *p < 0.05 versus +/+ mice.