Is the model saved in a language‐independent format (i.e., SBML)?
Optional: additional formats (e.g., XLS, JSON)
Does the reconstruction's name indicate a version?
Does the reconstruction's name indicate an organism?
Are identifiers (genes, metabolites, reactions) consistently from one namespace?
Have Memote (preprint: Lieven et al, 2020) tests been run?
Is the objective reaction indicated?
Is evidence (i.e., references) provided for use of the objective function(s)?
Are exchange, sink, and demand reactions and all necessary constraints included as defaults or in code?
Can the reconstruction be instantiated without error with COBRA software?
Are simulation parameters (objective reaction, constraints, etc.) provided in any of the following formats (include at least one):
Is the COBRA software version documented?
Are the solvers documented?
Are COBRA software efforts appropriately credited?
Are previous iterations and/or other versions of the reconstruction appropriately credited?
Is the model clearly referenced (i.e., with a resolvable link and identifier) in Materials & Method or in the Data Availability Statement?