Blood pressure should preferably be controlled before traveling.
Medications sufficient for the length of travel should be available in carry-on luggage.
Medications should be managed with following physician before flights with risk of circadian dysrhythmia (jet lag).
Alcohol and caffeinated beverages should be avoided owing to the risk of dehydration, and adequate amounts of water should be taken.
Airline foods often contain high sodium. The increased sodium load could present problems for travelers sensitive to volume shifts (e.g., in congestive heart failure)
The most widely available decongestants carry the risk of raising the blood pressure and should be avoided.
Sedative-hypnotics drugs should not be used.
Constrictive clothing around waist and lower extremities should be avoided.
Simple regular flexion and extension exercises of the lower extremities should be performed to maintain circulation.
Travelers should get up and walk around every two hours.
The cabin crew should be informed in case of serious cardiac complaints.