A: A schematic outlook into the effect of vaccination on societal freedom. Freedom is quantified by the maximum time-varying gross reproduction number (Rt) allowed to sustain stable case numbers. As Rt does not consider the immunized population, gross reproduction numbers above one are possible without rendering the system unstable. A complete return to pre-pandemic behavior would be achieved when Rt reaches the value of the basic reproduction number R0 (or possibly at a lower value due to seasonality effects during summer, purple-blue shaded area). The thick full and dashed lines indicate the gross reproduction number Rt allowed to sustain stable case numbers if test-trace-isolate (TTI) programs are inefficient and efficient, respectively, which depends on the case numbers level. Increased population immunity (green) is expected to allow for lifting the most strict contact reduction measures while only keeping mild NPIs (purple) during summer 2021 in the northern hemisphere. Note that seasonality is not explicitly modeled in this work. See S4 Fig for an extended version including the year 2020. B: We explore five different scenarios for lifting restrictions in the EU, in light of the EU-wide vaccination programs. We sort them according to the initial stringency that they require and the total fatalities that they may cause. One extreme (Scenario 1) offers immediate (but still comparably little) freedom by approaching ICU-capacity limits quickly. The other extreme (Scenario 5) uses a strong initial reduction in contacts to allow long-term control at low case numbers. Finally, the intermediate scenarios initially maintain moderate case numbers and lift restrictions at different points in the vaccination program. C: All extreme strategies allow for a steady noticeable increase in contacts in the coming months (cf. panel A), but vary greatly in the (D) ICU-occupancy profiles and (E) total fatalities. F: Independent on the strategy, we expect a transient but pronounced decrease in the average age of ICU patients and deceased over the summer.