a) Average stimulus-induced alpha-power change (at individual alpha frequency), source-localized to all cortical dipoles. Values are significance-masked using a t
max-corrected paired permutation test. Black-to-white shading indicates areas V1, V2, V3, V3A, and V4, as in
Figure 2. Note that alpha-power changes are absent in those areas. (
b) Same as (
a), but for power changes at the individual beta frequency. (
c) Average stimulus-induced gamma-power change on the sensor level. (
d) Gamma-power changes (color code) as a function of cortical retinotopic representation (x- and y-axis). Gamma-power changes were first projected into source dipoles. For each dipole in area V1, a group-average retinotopic atlas aligned to the HCP-MMP 1.0 template brain (
Benson et al., 2018) was used to find the corresponding retinotopic position. Subsequently, gamma-power changes were projected from source space into retinotopic space. Gamma-power changes were strongest at the representation of the parafoveal eccentricities.