Figure 2. Fluorescence microscopy reveals uniparental nuclear inheritance in the wild-type crosses.
(A) Crosses of GFP-H4 tagged H99α and mCherry-H4 tagged KN99a revealed the presence of both fluorescent markers in most spore chains along with uniparental nuclear inheritance in rare cases (~1%). In these few sporulating basidia, only one of the fluorescent signals was observed in the spore chains, reflecting the presence of only one parental nucleus in these basidia. (B) Crosses involving GFP-H4 tagged VYD135α and mCherry-H4 tagged KN99a revealed the presence of spore chains with only one fluorescent color. In the majority of basidia that have both parental nuclei, marked by both GFP and mCherry signals, spore chains are not produced, consistent with a failure of meiosis in these basidia. Scale bar, 10 µm.