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. 2021 Aug 26;2021:9999797. doi: 10.1155/2021/9999797

Table 2.

Outcomes of interest.

Author, year Final surgical outcome Presence of retinal displacement N (%) Amount and direction of retinal displacement Visual acuity Presence of visual symptoms OCT outcomes Final follow-up time
Shiragami [3] All successful reattachment 27/43 (62.8%) Downward = 43 eyes Significant improvement in all patients No patients complained of cyclovertical diplopia or slant N/A 6 months
1–5° extorsion = 16 eyes
1–4° vertical deviation = 13 eyes

Pandya [6] 1 failed reattachment 5/5 (100%) Downward = 5 eyes Significant improvement in all patients Vertical diplopia reported in 3/5 patients and 1/5 patients at 3-month follow-up Residual subfoveal fluid = 1/5 Mean follow-up: 5.8 months
Inferior redetachment = 1/5

Brosh [7] All successful reattachment PPV = 55/124 (44.4%) Upward: Significant improvement in all patients Vertical: Interdigitation zone abnormalities on the 6 mm OCT: Median follow-up: 3 months
PR = 8/114 (7%) PPV = 3 eyes With displacement: With displacement:
PR = 6 eyes 25/30 (83.3%) 55/57 eyes (96.5%)
Downward: Without displacement: Without displacement:
PPV = 52 eyes 65/117 (55.6%) 135/162 patients (83.3%) eyes
PR = 2 eyes Horizontal:
Mean displacement With displacement:
PPV = 0.297 mm 20/30 (66.7%)
PR = 0.137 mm Without displacement:
62/117 (53%)

Schawkat [8] All successful reattachment 17/50 (34%) Ranged between 1.0° and 7.5° Significant improvement in all patients 10/17 of patients with retinal displacement N/A 6 weeks

Dell'Omo [10] All successful reattachment 40/125 (35.2%) Upward = 5 eyes Significant improvement in all patients No patients complained of cyclovertical diplopia or slant. OCT sections of RVPs did not reveal characteristic features 12 months
Downward = 39 eyes
18–58° extorsion = 28 eyes
18–38° intorsion = 3 eyes
18–48° vertical deviation = 13 eyes

Codenotti [11] All successful reattachment 12/23 (52.2%) Downward = 10 eyes Significant improvement in all patients 2/23 complained of vertical diplopia and vision distortion N/A 3 months
Upward = 2 eyes

Cobos [15] All successful reattachment 12/20 (60%) Downward = 12 eyes Significant improvement in all patients N/A OCT analysis showed no differences in retinal displacement cases 3 months

Casswell [13] All successful reattachment 100/203 (49.26%)∗∗ Face-down = 0.5° at 8 weeks, 0.3° at 6 months Significant improvement in all patients More diplopia reported in face-down patients (1.5%) compared to support-the-break (7.6%) N/A 6 months
Support-the-break = 0.8° at 8 weeks, 0.9° at 6 months

Dell'Omo [16] All successful reattachment 7/20 (35%) N/A Significant improvement in all patients N/A N/A 4 weeks

Guber [9] All successful reattachment 17/50 (34%) Downward shift Significant improvement in all patients 10/17 with retinal shift reported distorted vision N/A 2 months
Shift between 1.0° and 7.5°

Lee [5] All successful reattachment PPV + gas: Displacement is typically heterogeneous N/A PPV + gas: PPV + gas: Median follow-up: 29 days
Mac-off = 22/32 (72%) Magnitude of displacement associated with extent of retinal detachment in degrees of involvement above (p=0.0003) and below the fovea (p=0.02) Mac-off = 22/32 (72%) Mac-off = 15/32 (47%) ORF (n = 6); SRF (n = 1); outer-retinal photoreceptor layer defects (n = 3); ERM (n = 1); full thickness macular fold (n = 1) or hole (n = 1)
Mac-on = 5/17 (29%) Mac-on = 2/17 (12%)§ Mac-on = 4/17 (24%)
PPV + SO : Mac-off = 2/2 (100%) ORF (n = 2); CME (n = 1); ERM (n = 1)

Shiragami [12] All successful reattachment 38/86 (44.2%) Downward shift N/A Group 1 = 1/44 patients N/A 3 months
1–7° extorsion
1–9° vertical deviation

Dell'Omo [4] All successful reattachment 4/33 (12.1%) N/A Significant improvement in all patients 22 (67%) complained of postoperative metamorphopsia ORF = 14 (42.4%) Median follow-up: 24 days
IRF = 16 (48.8%)
IS/OS skip reflectivity abnormalities = 8 (24.2%)
Photoreceptor IS/OS band disruption at the fovea = 10 (30.3%)

Casswell [14] All successful reattachment 61.4% of FC images N/A N/A N/A N/A 8 weeks
52.8% of cSLO images

147 patients were evaluated for metamorphopsia; 40 eyes in the SF6 group and 4 eyes in the SO group. Occurrence of retinal displacement was higher in eyes with gas tamponade (10 of 14 eyes; 71.4%) compared with eyes with silicone oil (2 of 9 eyes; 22.2%) (p=0.036). ∗∗At 6 months, retinal displacement was detected in 42 of 100 (42%) in the face-down positioning group vs. 58 of 103 (56%) in the support-the-break positioning group (odds ratio, 1.77; 95% CI, 1.01–3.11; p=0.04). §Of those with retinal shift, symptoms were present in 83% (19/23). Of those with evidence of shift, symptoms were present in 86% (19/22). CME  =  cystoid macular edema; ERM  =  epiretinal membrane; N/A = not available; ORF = outer-retinal fold.