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. 2021 Aug 26;2021:6591035. doi: 10.1155/2021/6591035

Table 4.

Intrasubject gesture recognition accuracy in comparison with related works on five databases.

Machine learning (ML) model Type of ML model Input of ML model Database Num. of gestures for classification Window length
50 ms 100 ms 150 ms 200 ms Trial

Random forests [13] Shallow learning 5 hand-crafted features NinaProDB1 50 N.A. N.A. N.A. 75.3% N.A.
Dictionary learning [36] Shallow learning MLSVD-based features NinaProDB1 52 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 97.4%
HuNet [26] CNN-RNN Phinyomark feature set NinaProDB1 52 N.A. N.A. 86.8% 87.0% 97.3%
MV-CNN [31] Multiview CNN 3 views of sEMG NinaProDB1 52 85.8% 86.8% 87.4% 88.2% N.A.
ChengNet [49] CNN Multi-sEMG-features image NinaProDB1 52 N.A. N.A. N.A. 82.5% N.A.
HVPN-2-view Multi-view CNN 2 views of sEMG NinaProDB1 52 85.4% 86.5% 87.2% 88.1% 97.8%
HVPN Multi-view CNN Same as [31] NinaProDB1 52 86.0% 86.9% 87.7% 88.4% 98.0%

Random forests [13] Shallow learning Hand-crafted features NinaProDB2 50 N.A. N.A. N.A. 75.3% N.A.
ZhaiNet [25] CNN sEMG spectrogram NinaProDB2 50 N.A. N.A. N.A. 78.7% N.A.
HuNet [26] CNN-RNN Phinyomark feature set NinaProDB2 50 N.A. N.A. N.A. 82.2% 97.6%
MV-CNN [31] Multiview CNN 3 views of sEMG NinaProDB2 50 80.6% 81.1% 82.7% 83.7% N.A.
HVPN-2-view Multiview CNN 2 views of sEMG NinaProDB2 50 82.7% 83.8% 83.3% 85.0% 97.8%
HVPN Multiview CNN Same as [31] NinaProDB2 50 82.3% 84.1% 84.8% 85.8% 98.1%

Support vector machine (SVM) [13] Shallow learning 5 hand-crafted features NinaProDB3 50 N.A. N.A. N.A. 46.3% N.A.
MV-CNN [31] Multiview CNN 3 views of sEMG NinaProDB3 50 N.A. N.A. N.A. 64.3% N.A.
ED-TCN [27] TCN MAV sequences NinaProDB3 41 N.A. N.A. 63.5% N.A. N.A.
HVPN-2-view Multiview CNN 2 views of sEMG NinaProDB3 50 64.4% 65.7% 66.8% 67.9% 80.3%
HVPN Multiview CNN Same as [31] NinaProDB3 50 64.5% 65.9% 66.9% 68.2% 80.7%

Random forests [37] Shallow learning mDWT features NinaProDB4 53 N.A. N.A. N.A. 69.1% N.A.
MV-CNN [31] Multiview CNN 3 views of sEMG NinaProDB4 53 N.A. N.A. N.A. 54.3% N.A.
HVPN-2-view Multiview CNN 2 views of sEMG NinaProDB4 53 60.1% 63.2% 67.6% 72.1% 81.1%
HVPN Multiview CNN Same as [31] NinaProDB4 53 58.3% 67.1% 70.5% 72.9% 81.7%

SVM [37] Shallow learning mDWT features NinaProDB5 41 N.A. N.A. N.A. 69.0% N.A.
ShenNet [50] Stacking-based CNN TD, FD and TFD features NinaProDB5 40 N.A. N.A. N.A. 72.1% N.A.
MV-CNN [31] Multiview CNN 3 views of sEMG NinaProDB5 41 N.A. N.A. N.A. 90.0% N.A.
HVPN-2-view Multiview CNN 2 views of sEMG NinaProDB5 41 88.7% 89.1% 89.9% 90.1% 98.8%
HVPN Multiview CNN Same as [31] NinaProDB5 41 88.7% 89.3% 90.0% 90.3% 98.4%

N.A. denotes not applicable, and bold entries indicate our proposed method. HVPN-2-view refers to the proposed HVPN framework with the “two-view” configuration (i.e., using v1 and v2 as its input). †It should be mentioned that existing MCIs seldom segment raw sEMG signals by trial due to the constraint that the maximal response time of an MCI should be kept below 300 ms [40, 41]. ‡For experiments on HVPN, the predicted class label of each gesture trial is obtained by majority voting on all 200 ms sliding windows within it.