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. 2021 Sep 2;8:231. doi: 10.1038/s41597-021-01013-7

Table 1.

DEEP site tephra overview.

Tephra TAS Age ± 2σ [ka] SEM-EDS (Pisa) EPMA-WDS (IGAG) EPMA-WDS (UoC) LA-ICP-MS (iCRAG TCD) LA-ICP-MS (UoB) References datasets published Extension of published datasets by the given type of data
OH-DP-0009* pt-tp-p 1.47 ± 0.04 yes no yes no no 20 EPMA-WDS
OH-DP-0015* tra-btra 3.29 ± 0.08 yes no yes no no 20 EPMA-WDS
OH-DP-0016.9* btra-tp-tra-p-tr, r 3.97 ± 0.12 yes no yes no no this study
OH-DP-0027* p 8.56 ± 0.2 no yes no no no 23 20 no
OH-DP-0049* tr 14.57 ± 0.85 yes no yes no no 20 EPMA-WDS
OH-DP-0052* tr 15.54 ± 0.99 yes no no no no this study
OH-DP-0115 tr-p 29.03 ± 0.77 no yes no no no 23 no
OH-DP-0169 tr-p 40.27 ± 0.34 no yes no no no 23 no
OH-DP-0404 p-tr-tra-tp 102.11 ± 3.09 no yes no no no 23 no
OH-DP-0435 tr-p 109.45 ± 1.82 no yes no no no 23 no
OH-DP-0499 tr-r 133.66 ± 2.89 no yes no no no 23 no
OH-DP-0505 tr-r 135.36 ± 4.06 yes yes yes yes no 30 EMPA-WDS + SEM-EDS
OH-DP-0599 p 156.89 ± 3.79 yes no yes no no 30 EMPA-WDS + SEM-EDS
OH-DP-0616 p-tr 158.76 ± 3.83 no yes no no no 30 SEM-EDS
OH-DP-0617 p 158.89 ± 3.81 no yes no no no 30 SEM-EDS
OH-DP-0624 pt-p 159.71 ± 4.03 no yes no yes no 23 14 no
OH-DP-0710 tp-lat 172.26 ± 5.55 yes no yes no no 30 EMPA-WDS + SEM-EDS
OH-DP-0725* tr-p + r 174.44 ± 5.22 yes no no no no this study
OH-DP-0766 tr-r 180.02 ± 4.14 yes no yes yes no 30 SEM-EDS
OH-DP-0997 p-tr 228.87 ± 5.66 yes no yes yes no 30 SEM-EDS
OH-DP-1006 p-tr 230.93 ± 6.27 yes no yes yes no 30 EMPA-WDS + SEM-EDS
OH-DP-1053.5 p-tr 240.93 ± 6.45 yes no yes no no 30 SEM-EDS
OH-DP-1053.8 p-tr 240.99 ± 6.41 yes no yes no no 30 EMPA-WDS + SEM-EDS
OH-DP-1055 p-tr 241.23 ± 6.18 yes no yes yes no 30 EMPA-WDS + SEM-EDS
OH-DP-1175 p-tr 270.64 ± 4.88 yes no yes yes no 30 SEM-EDS
OH-DP-1513 r 353.43 ± 7.49 yes no yes yes no 30 SEM-EDS
OH-DP-1520 d-r 355.76 ± 7.64 yes no yes yes no 30 SEM-EDS
OH-DP-1527 p-tr 358.25 ± 4.64 yes yes yes yes no 30 EMPA-WDS + SEM-EDS
OH-DP-1640 p-tr 398.37 ± 5.95 yes no yes yes no 30 EMPA-WDS + SEM-EDS
OH-DP-1700.6* r 414.75 ± 3.17 yes yes yes no no 22 EMPA-WDS + SEM-EDS
OH-DP-1710* tr-p 417.13 ± 4.20 no no yes no no this study
OH-DP-1719.8* p 419.76 ± 5.41 no no yes no no this study
OH-DP-1733 tr 423.93 ± 6.43 yes yes yes no no 30 61 SEM-EDS
OH-DP-1812 tra-p-tr 453.95 ± 2.94 yes no yes yes no 30 SEM-EDS
OH-DP-1817 f 456.19 ± 3.3 yes yes no no no 23 SEM-EDS
OH-DP-1911 p 480.49 ± 6.84 yes no yes yes no 30 SEM-EDS
OH-DP-1955 p-tra-pt 490.67 ± 3.92 yes yes no no no 23 SEM-EDS
OH-DP-1966 tra-p- tr 494.05 ± 4.43 yes no yes yes no 30 SEM-EDS
OH-DP-1998 p 508.67 ± 4.14 yes no yes yes no 30 SEM-EDS
OH-DP-2010 tp-p 514.17 ± 4.37 yes yes no no no 23 SEM-EDS
OH-DP-2017 tr 516.87 ± 5.47 yes yes no no no 23 SEM-EDS
OH-DP-2060 f 530.86 ± 3.35 yes yes no no no 23 SEM-EDS
OH-DP-2439 pt-tp-p 626.87 ± 3.98 yes yes yes yes no 30 SEM-EDS
OH-DP-2512 tr 648.56 ± 6.76 yes no yes no yes this study
OH-DP-2555 ph 662.55 ± 7.16 yes no yes no yes this study
OH-DP-2589 tp/ph 674.23 ± 5.93 yes no yes no yes this study
OH-DP-2603 tr 680.85 ± 4.46 yes yes yes no yes this study
OH-DP-2669 tr 716.74 ± 4.78 yes yes yes no yes 2 EMPA-WDS + SEM-EDS + LA-ICP-MS
OH-DP-2717 tp/ph 734.42 ± 5.86 yes yes yes no yes this study
OH-DP-2869 ph/tr 776.51 ± 5.14 yes no yes no yes this study
OH-DP-2898 tr/ph 789.67 ± 3.45 yes yes yes no yes 2 EMPA-WDS + SEM-EDS + LA-ICP-MS
OH-DP-3144 tr 888.18 ± 5.28 yes no yes no yes this study
OH-DP-3443 ph 979.33 ± 6.19 yes no yes no yes this study
OH-DP-3860 r 1113.68 ± 7.36 yes no yes no yes this study
OH-DP-3914 tr 1132.58 ± 4.27 yes no yes no yes this study
OH-DP-4089 tr 1206.9 ± 4.55 yes no yes no yes this study
OH-DP-4124 r 1221.58 ± 6.49 yes no yes no yes this study

Overview of tephra layers found in the DEEP site sediment succession providing information about the general glass geochemical composition according to the Total alkali vs. silica classification by Le Bas, et al.39, the corresponding age according to the age-depth model2 and the respective geochemical analyses performed at the different laboratories. Tephra layers described for the first time are marked by “this study”. If data of tephra layers was published elsewhere, the respective reference is given and it is indicated if published datasets were extended by additional SEM-EDS and/or EPMA-WDS data in this study. For tephra layers OH-DP-2669 and OH-DP-2898 trace element concentrations published in Wagner, et al.2 were recalculated using the same data reduction process as for the other samples measured at the University of Bonn45. d = dacite; tra = trachyandesite; tp = tephriphonolite; pt = phonotephrite; lat = latite; f = foidite; btra = basaltic trachyandesite; p = phonolite; tr = trachyte; r = rhyolite.