FIG. 1.
A. suum telomerase activity with nontelomeric primers. An nTRAP assay was conducted with the primer pair nTS-CTT and nCX and the primer pair me8-TTA and TCP-23 (see Table 1 for primer sequences) in a cell extract from A. suum 4-cell-stage embryos. The nTRAP products were resolved on a 12% polyacrylamide gel and subjected to autoradiography. Both primers were efficiently used as substrates (Extract). The primer dimers resulting from the interaction of the nTS-CTT and TCP-CC primers are indicated by arrows. The periodicity of the banding profile is marked by six dots on the right of each panel. No elongation was seen if the extract was omitted from the assay (No extract), inactivated by heat prior to the reaction (Heat), or pretreated with proteinase K or RNase A. The proteinase K experiment gave the same result for the me8-TTA primer, but it is not shown here.