Kir2.1eGFP expression in DN1a cells decreases sleep duration
(A) Mean sleep/30 min (±95% confidence interval) over the course of a 24-hr day is plotted for flies with spl-DN1a-GAL4-driven expression of Kir2.1eGFP (green) and control flies with spl-DN1a-GAL4 driven mCherry (black). Data are averaged over 5 days in LD conditions. White and black bars indicate the light and dark periods, respectively.
(B–D) Total daytime, nighttime, or 24-hr sleep is plotted for the indicated genotypes. Lines are means ±95% confidence intervals. Dots represent individual flies. ∗∗∗∗p < 0.0001, t test. See also Figure S5 for effects of DN1a silencing on sleep in DD conditions.