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. 2021 Sep 2;11(9):e052728. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-052728

Table 1.

Brain injury diagnoses and Australasian Rehabilitation Outcomes Centre (AROC) impairment codes for the Acquired Brain Injury Community REhabilitation and Support Services OuTcomes CohoRT (ABI-RESTaRT) cohort, 1991–2020

AROC code, category and diagnosis n (%)
Non-traumatic (stroke) 292 (28.9)
 1.1 Stroke—haemorrhagic 81 (8)
 1.2 Stroke—ischaemic 178 (17.6)
 1.0 Stroke—unspecified 33 (3.3)
Non-traumatic (other—excluding stroke) 263 (26)
 2.11 Subarachnoid haemorrhage 58 (5.7)
 2.12 Anoxic brain damage 78 (7.7)
 2.13 Encephalitis 18 (1.8)
Meningitis 6 (0.6)
Neoplasm/tumour of brain, meninges or cranial nerves 32 (3.2)
Intracranial abscess 2 (0.2)
Hydrocephalus 5 (0.5)
Toxic encephalopathy 35 (3.5)
Metabolic encephalopathy 7 (0.7)
Other non-traumatic brain dysfunction 22 (2.2)
Traumatic 353 (34.9)
 2.21 Traumatic, open injury 50 (5)
 2.22 Traumatic, closed injury 280 (27.7)
 2.2 Traumatic, unspecified 23 (2.3)
Neurological 103 (10.2)
 3.1 Multiple sclerosis 16 (1.6)
 3.2 Parkinsonism 17 (1.7)
 3.3 Polyneuropathy 3 (0.3)
 3.4 Guillain-Barré syndrome 1 (0.1)
 3.8 Neuromuscular disorders 13 (1.3)
 3.9 Extrapyramidal and abnormal movement disorders 2 (0.2)
Spinocerebellar disease 3 (0.3)
Epilepsy 31 (3.1)
Other neurological and neurodegenerative disorders 17 (1.7)