MCPM in a 34-year-old woman. (a–d) Axial
(a), coronal (b), and sagittal
(c) T2-weighted images and axial T1-weighted image
(d) show a multiloculated cystic mass (straight arrow)
with thin septa (arrowheads) in the pelvis. The mass arises from the
pelvic peritoneum, infiltrates around bowel loops, and surrounds the
right ovary. Most loculi contain simple T2-hyperintense fluid (*
in a–c), which is hypointense on the T1-weighted
image (* in d); however, one loculus (curved arrow
in a and d) shows increased signal intensity
on both T1-weighted and T2-weighted images, consistent with internal
blood contents. Incidentally noted are T1-hyperintense hemorrhagic cysts
in the right ovary (straight arrow in d); the lateral cyst
contains layering T1-hyperintense blood products, and the superomedial
cyst has a T2-hypointense rim (straight arrow in a).
(e, f) Photographs of a whole (e) and cut
(f) gross specimen show the multicystic nature of a
peritoneal mesothelioma, with a grapelike appearance of the whole
specimen (arrow in e). The cut specimen shows the mass to
be comprised of innumerable cystic spaces of varying size separated by a
thin fibrovascular stroma (arrowhead in f), which matches
the appearance at MRI. (g, h) High-power photomicrographs
with H-E stain (g) and calretinin immunohistochemical stain
(h) show multiple small cystic spaces (*) lined
by cuboidal mesothelium (arrow), which stains positive for calretinin, a
mesothelial marker. (Original magnification, ×100.)