Table 3.
Selection of original neuroimaging research articles in PMA, SMA, SBMA, PPS, and HSP.
References | Study design |
Sample size
Study participants |
Raw imaging data/imaging technique | Assessment tools | Follow-up (months) | Key study findings |
Progressive muscular atrophy | ||||||
Agosta et al. (1) | Cross-sectional, Prospective, Multi-center, Case-control |
ALS n = 56 UMN phenotype n = 31 LMN phenotype n = 14 |
MRI Cortical thickness DTI |
ALSFRS-R MMSE RCPM CET WCST WCFST RAVLT BADA HDRS FBI ALS-FTD questionnaire Phonemic and semantic fluency test Digit span forwards and backwards |
N/A | - 36% LMN phenotype had cognitive impairment - Cortical thinning of bilateral precentral gyrus, insular and cingulate cortices, and frontotemporal regions. - WM degeneration detected in the corpus callosum and frontotemporal tracts, including the uncinate, cingulum, and superior longitudinal fasciculi. - These findings were associated with cognitive or behavioral symptoms, especially WM changes. |
Basaia et al. (4) | Cross-sectional, Prospective, Multi-center, Case-control |
ALS n = 173 PLS n = 38 PMA n = 28 |
MRI DTI Resting-state fMRI Global brain network analysis Functional connectivity analysis |
MMSE RAVLT Digit span forward and backward Stroop test CET WCFST WCST RCPM Phonemic and semantic fluency Italian battery for the assessment of aphasic disorders. HDRS Beck depression inventory FBI ALS-FTD Questionnaire |
N/A | - In PMA, structural and functional connectomes were preserved. |
Kew et al. (45) | Cross-sectional, Prospective, Single-center, Case-control |
ALS n = 6 LMN phenotype n = 5 |
Resting-state PET Task-based PET - Motor task: moving joystick with right hand |
N/A | N/A | - There was no difference in regional cerebral blood flow between LMN phenotype and controls at rest. - During motor task, there was increased activation of perisylvian areas in both ALS and LMN. |
Mitsumoto et al. (35) | Longitudinal, Prospective, Single-center, Case-control |
PMA n = 9 PLS n = 6 ALS n = 49 |
ALSFRS-R Finger and foot tapping Motor unit number estimation Transcranial magnetic stimulation |
Every 3-months for 15-months | - In PMA, there was modest reduction in NAA/tCr ratio in the primary motor cortex. |
Quinn et al. (46) | Cross-sectional, Prospective, Single-center |
ALS n = 20 PMA n = 5 |
MRS | ALSFRS MMSE Letter-fluency index |
N/A | - In PMA, there was greater NAA/Cr in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex compared to ALS. |
Raaphorst et al. (47) | Cross-sectional, Prospective, Multi-center, Case-control |
ALS n = 21 PMA n = 18 |
Task-based fMRI - Letter fluency - Category fluency |
ALSFRS-R UMN score HADS Dutch national adult reading test MMSE Digit span forwards and backwards WAIS-R letter-number sequencing Modified WCST Category and letter fluency Stroop test RAVLT Rivermead behavioral memory test Doors test Boston naming test Judgment of line orientation test Differential aptitude test Mental rotation task |
N/A | - There was impaired letter fluency in PMA and ALS. - The letter fluency task showed lower activation in the inferior frontal gyrus in PMA and ALS. - No differences detected during category fluency. |
Van der Graaff et al. (41) | Longitudinal, Prospective, Multi-center, Case-control |
PMA n = 12 PLS n = 12 ALS n = 24 |
MRS | ALSFRS-R Finger and foot tapping speed |
6-months | - In PMA, there was no difference in N-acetylaspartate, N-acetyl aspartylglutamate levels in the primary motor cortex at baseline. There was a significant decrease in these levels at follow-up. |
Van der Graff et al. (42) | Longitudinal Prospective, Multi-center, Case-control |
PMA n-12 ALS n = 12 PLS n = 12 |
MRI Whole brain voxel-based analysis DTI |
ALSFRS-R Finger-tapping speed Vital capacity |
6-months | - In PMA, there was FA reduction in extra-motor WM inferior frontal gyrus, dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, corpus callosum, hippocampus, and fornix. - DTI abnormalities were modest compared to PLS. |
Spinal muscular atrophy | ||||||
De Borba et al. (48) | Cross-sectional, Prospective, Single-center, Case-control |
SMA type III (n = 19) SMA type IV (n = 6) |
MRI Cortical thickness GM volumetry |
MRC muscle strength evaluation SMAFRS |
N/A | The volume of cerebellar lobules VIIIB, IX and X were significantly smaller in patients with SMA. |
Mendonça et al. (49) | Longitudinal, Prospective, Single-center |
SMA type 0 (n = 3) | Qualitative MRI | N/A | 1-3 years | Mild progressive global brain atrophy, predominantly WM and supratentorial structures with relative preservation of the cerebellum. |
Querin et al. (50) | Cross-sectional, Prospective, Single-center, Case-control |
SMA type III (n = 19) SMA type IV (n = 6) |
MRI Cortical thickness DTI ROI analysis |
MRC muscle strength evaluation | N/A | There was increased GM density in primary motor cortex. No white matter pathology was identified. |
Spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy (Kennedy's disease) | ||||||
Garaci et al. (51) | Cross-sectional, Prospective, Single-center |
ALSFRS | N/A | - Loss of WM integrity, including frontal region, that correlated with disability and disease duration. |
Karitzky et al. (52) | Cross-sectional, Prospective, Single-center, Case-control |
SBMA n = 9 | MRS | N/A | N/A | - Reduced NA/Cho ratio in the brainstem and reduced NA/Cho and NAA/Cr ration in the motor regions. This did not correlate with number of CAG repeats. |
Kassubek et al. (53) | Cross-sectional, Prospective, Single-center, Case-control |
SBMA n = 18 | MRI VBM |
MRC muscle strength evaluation | N/A | - Subtle decreases in GM volume and extensive WM atrophy, most pronounced in the frontal areas. |
Lai et al. (54) | Cross-sectional, Prospective, Single-center, Case-control |
SBMA n = 10 | [18]F-FDG PET | N/A | N/A | - Frontal glucose hypometabolism was detected. |
Mader et al. (55) | Cross-sectional, Prospective, Single-center, Case-control |
SBMA n = 10 | MRS | N/A | N/A | - There was increased myo-inositol and macromolecular detected in the motor area. - The NAA/Cr ratio correlated with number of CAG repeats. |
Pieper et al. (56) | Cross-sectional, Prospective, Single-center, Case-control |
SBMA n = 8 | MRI VBM DTI |
N/A | N/A | - Subtle changes in central WM tract integrity. - The GM and WM volume was unaffected. |
Unrath et al. (40) | Cross-sectional, Prospective, Single-center, Case-control |
SBMA n = 20 HSP n = 24 PLS n = 25 |
N/A | N/A | - In SBMA, extra-motor WM alterations detected within the limbic system or its network including precuneus, temporal lobe, and left inferior frontal lobe. |
Post-Polio syndrome | ||||||
Bruno et al. (57) | Cross-sectional, Prospective, Single-center |
PPS n = 22 | Self-reported severity of daily fatigue and subjective problems with attention, cognition and memory | N/A | - Small discrete hyperintense signal in reticular formation, putamen, medial leminiscus or WM tracts identified in 55% of those with high levels of fatigue and in none of those with low levels of fatigue. | |
Demir et al. (58) | Cross-sectional, Retrospective, Single-center |
PPS n = 11 | Qualitative MRI | N/A | N/A | - Qualitative MRI were reported normal. |
Shing et al. (59) | Cross-sectional, Prospective, Single-center, Case-control |
PPS n = 36 | MRI Cortical thickness Subcortical GM DTI ROI analysis |
ECAS FrSBe Fatigue severity scale Piper fatigue scale HADS |
N/A | - Limited cortical atrophy (cingulate gyrus and temporal pole), limited subcortical atrophy (left nucleus accumbens) and no WM degeneration were detected despite prevalent extra-motor symptoms. |
Shing et al. (60) | Cross-sectional, Prospective, Single-center, Case-control |
PPS n = 36 ALS n = 88 |
MRI Morphometry DTI TBSS ROI analysis. |
MRC muscle strength evaluation ALSFRS-R |
N/A | - No GM or WM degeneration detected. - Increased GM volume in cerebellar, brainstem and occipital lobe regions and increased WM integrity in pyramidal, mesial temporal and cerebellar tracts. |
Trojan et al. (61) | Cross-sectional, Prospective, Single-center, Case-control |
PPS n = 42 MS n = 49 |
MRI Normalized brain volume |
Fatigue severity scale Centers for epidemiological studies depression scale |
N/A | - In PPS, no significant whole brain atrophy detected. - No association between brain volume and fatigue. |
Hereditary spastic paraplegia | ||||||
Aghakhanyan et al. (62) | Cross-sectional, Prospective, Single-center, Case-control |
HSP n = 12 | MRI DTI TBSS |
N/A | N/A | - There was reduced FA with preferential involvement of frontal regions in an anteroposterior pattern. |
Agosta et al. (63) | Cross-sectional, Prospective, Single-center, Case-control |
SPRS MMSE Verbal and spatial span Memory prose RCFT TMT RCPM Paced Auditory Serial Addition Task Phonemic and semantic fluency Beck Depression Inventory |
N/A | - The distribution of extra-motor WM degeneration involving cerebellar, limbic, corticocortical and interhemispheric regions was similar in pHSP and cHSP. It correlated with cognitive impairment. |
Duning et al. (64) | Cross-sectional, Prospective, Single-center, Case-control |
HSP n = 6 | MRI Volumetry DTI |
Digital symbol substitution WMS-R Digital span forward and backward TMT CWIT Letter fluency RCFT RALVT |
N/A | - Structural MRI and brain volumetry were normal. - Loss of WM integrity in corticospinal tract and frontal regions in those with longer disease duration. |
Erichsen et al. (65) |
Cross-sectional, Prospective, Single-center, Case-control |
HSP n = 8 | MRS Volumetry ROI analysis |
WAIS-R Digit symbol substitution Digit span forward and backwards Stroop test “2 and 7 selective attention test” Paced Auditory Serial Addition Test CVLT-T score Continuous Visual Memory Test RCFT Controlled Word Fluency Test |
N/A | - There was reduced Cho/Cr ratio in motor cortex that was associated with some cognitive measures. |
Faber et al. (66) | Cross-sectional, Prospective, Single-center, Case-control |
HSP n = 25 | MRI Cortical thickness Deep GM volumes DTI |
ACE-III Neuropsychiatric Inventory SPRS |
N/A | - The loss of WM integrity at the fornix and corpus callosum correlated with cognitive measures. - Basal ganglia atrophy and limited cortical thinning involving motor, limbic and parietal cortices. |
França et al. (67) | Cross-sectional, Prospective, Single-center, Case-control |
N/A | N/A | - Significant gray matter atrophy involving the thalamus and basal ganglia but not in the cerebral cortex. - Reduced FA involving subcortical white matter of the temporal and frontal lobes, cingulated gyrus, cuneus, striatum, corpus callosum, and brainstem. |
Kassubek et al. (68) | Cross-sectional, Prospective, Single-center, Case-control |
HSP n = 33 | MRI Brain parenchymal fractions |
Mini Mental Status Scale | N/A | - Global brain volume reduction involving GM and WM that was more pronounced in cHSP than pHSP. |
Koritnik et al. (69) | Cross-sectional, Prospective, Single-center, Case-control | - HSP n = 12 | Task-based fMRI Finger tapping | N/A | N/A | - There was altered cortical activation during the motor tasks. |
Liao et al. (70) | Cross-sectional, Prospective, Single-center, Case-control |
HSP n = 12 | Resting state fMRI | SPRS | N/A | - The baseline neural activity and connectivity were altered in frontal regions including insula, pre-central, orbitofrontal, superior, and middle frontal gyrus. |
Lindig et al. (71) | Cross-sectional, Prospective, Single-center, Case-control |
SPRS | N/A | - Widespread GM and WM degeneration involving corpus callosum, thalamus, parieto-occipital, upper brainstem, cerebellum, and corticospinal tracts. - There was a correlation between DTI metrics and disease duration and severity. |
Montanaro et al. (72) | Longitudinal, Prospective, Single-center, Case-control |
SPRS | 28.9 ± 8.4 months | - There was widespread WM degeneration and reduced GM volume in right pre-frontal cortex and thalamus. - Follow-up imaging did not detect significant changes. |
Oguz et al. (73) | Cross-sectional, Prospective, Single-center, Case-control |
HSP n = 4 | MRI DTI TBSS |
N/A | N/A | - There were widespread WM alterations involving both the motor and extra-motor regions. |
Pan et al. (74) | Cross-sectional, Prospective, Single-center |
HSP n = 5 | MRI DSI TBSS |
MMSE WAIS-III Modified Ashworth Scale Tendon Reflex Grading Scale |
N/A | - There was global loss of WM integrity, most marked in prefrontal and motor regions of corpus callosum. |
Rezende et al. (75) | Cross-sectional, Prospective, Single-center, Case-control |
HSP n = 11 | MRI Volumetry DTI TBSS |
SPRS | N/A | - No volumetry analyses abnormalities detected. - Reduced FA in corticospinal tracts and corpus callosum correlated with disease severity. |
Scheuer et al. (76) | Cross-sectional, Prospective, Single-center, Case-control |
HSP n = 18 | MRI [18]F-FDG PET |
Modified Disability Scale RH Basic Battery Proverb Interpretation Associate Learning and Retention of 15 Word Pairs Digit Span Forwards and Backwards Sentence Repetition Symbol Digit Modalities Test TMT Block Design Test Visual Gestalt Test Danish Adult Reading Test WAIS List Learning Test Recognition memory tests Street Completion Test WCST |
N/A | - There was decreased regional cerebral blood flow in the left fronto-temporal cortex. In the more disabled patients, more extensive changes were noted. - Neuropsychological tests showed impaired recognition memory of faces. The PET imaging findings were not associated with severe cognitive impairment. |
Stromillo et al. (77) | Cross-sectional, Prospective, Single-center, Case-control |
HSP n = 10 | MRI Normalized brain volumes MRS |
MMSE 4-grade severity scale of patients' autonomy walking abilities | N/A | - Widespread structural and metabolic brain alterations. - Lower global brain volumes and diffusely decreased values in cortical regions compared to controls. - Reduced brain volume and altered NAA/Cr ratio in the corona radiata correlated with disability scores. |
Tomberg et al. (78) | Cross-sectional, Prospective, Single-center, Case-control |
HSP n = 9 | Task-based fMRI Flexion and extension of the right-hand fingers and right ankle |
Modified Ashworth Scale | N/A | - There was altered cortical sensorimotor network function that may reflect damage in the corticospinal tract or compensatory mechanisms. |
Unrath et al. (40) | Cross-sectional, Prospective, Single-center, Case-control |
SBMA n = 20 HSP n = 24 PLS n = 25 |
N/A | N/A | - In HSP, extra-motor WM alterations were detected within the frontal regions and limbic system and its projectional fibers. |
Warnecke et al. (79) | Cross-sectional, Prospective, Single-center |
HSP n = 6 | Qualitative MRI DTI |
Neuropsychological testing | N/A | - Qualitative MRI showed cerebellar atrophy and mild frontal cerebral atrophy. There was loss of WM integrity in corticospinal tracts, frontal lobes, and midbrain. This was thought to contribute to the impaired attention and executive function. |
ACE-III, Addenbrooke's cognitive examination III; ALS, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis; ALSFRS-R, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis functional rating scale revised; BADA, battery for the aphasic deficit analysis; CET, cognitive estimation task; Cho/Cr, Choline/creatinine; CWIT, color word interference test; CVLT, California verbal learning test; DTI, diffusion tensor imaging; ECAS, Edinburgh cognitive and behavioral ALS screen; FA, fractional anisotropy; FBI, frontal behavioral inventory; [18]F-FDG PET, fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography; fMRI, functional magnetic resonance imaging; FrSBe, frontal systems behavior scale; GM, gray matter; HADS, hospital anxiety and depression scale; HDRS, Hamilton depression rating scale; HSP, hereditary spastic paraparesis; pHSP, pure HSP; cHSP, complicated HSP; LMN, lower motor neuron; mI/Cr, myo-inositol/creatine; MMSE, mini-mental state examination; MRC, medical research council; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; MRS, magnetic resonance spectroscopy; NAA/Cho, N-acetylaspartate/choline; NAA/Cr, N-acetylaspartate/creatine; NAA/tCr, N-acetylaspartate/total creatine; PET, positron emission tomography; PLS, primary lateral sclerosis; RAVLT, Rey auditory verbal learning test; RCFT, Rey's complex figure test; ROI, region of interest; RCPM, Raven's colored progressive matrices; SMAFRS, spinal muscular atrophy functional rating scale; SPRS, spastic paraplegia rating scale; TBSS, tract-based spatial statistics; TMT, trail making test; UMN, upper motor neuron; VBM, voxel-based morphometry; WAIS, Wechsler adult intelligence scale; WCFST, Weigl color-form sorting test; WCST, Wisconsin card sorting test; WM, white matter; WMS-R, Weshcsler memory scale-revised.